
class DateFilter(val id: Option[String], val path: Option[String], val value: Option[ValueChoice], val extension: LitSeq[Extension], val searchParam: Option[String], val primitiveAttributes: TreeMap[FHIRComponentFieldMeta[_], PrimitiveElementInfo]) extends Element
class Element
trait Utils
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

object extensions
Inherited from:
object ids
Inherited from:

Inherited types

Value members

Concrete methods

def getIds(field: C => FHIRComponentFieldMeta[_]): Option[String]
def set[T](fieldSelection: C => FHIRComponentFieldMeta[T])(value: T): O
def setIds(field: C => FHIRComponentFieldMeta[_])(id: Option[String]): O
def update[T](fieldSelection: C => FHIRComponentFieldMeta[T])(fn: T => T): O
def updateAll[T](fieldSelection: C => FHIRComponentFieldMeta[LitSeq[T]])(fn: T => T): O
def updateIds(field: C => FHIRComponentFieldMeta[_])(update: Option[String] => Option[String]): O
def updateIfExists[T](fieldSelection: C => FHIRComponentFieldMeta[Option[T]])(fn: T => T): O

Inherited methods

final def >>[T](fn: T => T)(implicit tt: LTag[T]): DateFilter

Slower than nodalMap, but should work with subtypes (e.g. PositiveInt). If you must use it, then:

Slower than nodalMap, but should work with subtypes (e.g. PositiveInt). If you must use it, then:

  • T should not be a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_] or an Option[_]
  • It may require a type parameter sometimes (e.g. sampleResource >>[BUNDLE_TYPE] { (_: BUNDLE_TYPE) => BUNDLE_TYPE.SEARCHSET } )
Inherited from:
final def >>=[T, F[_] : Monad](fn: T => F[T])(implicit evidence$7: Monad[F], tt: LTag[T]): F[DateFilter]
Inherited from:
final def ^^[From, To](fn: From => To)(implicit tt: LTag[From]): LitSeq[To]

Extract values of type From, and map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To. Unlike >>, this is safe even if From is a Choice[], a LitSeq[] or an Option[_] Quite slow, slower than nodalExtract

Extract values of type From, and map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To. Unlike >>, this is safe even if From is a Choice[], a LitSeq[] or an Option[_] Quite slow, slower than nodalExtract

Inherited from:
final def ^^^[T](implicit tt: LTag[T]): LitSeq[T]
Inherited from:
def companionClassName[T](tag: LTag[T]): String
Inherited from:
def companionOf[T <: FHIRObject : ClassTag](implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T], tag: LTag[T]): CompanionFor[T]
Inherited from:
def constructor: Constructor[_]
Inherited from:
def decodeMethodFor[T <: FHIRObject : ClassTag](implicit evidence$2: ClassTag[T], tag: LTag[T], params: DecoderParams): HCursor => Try[T]
Inherited from:
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
FHIRObject -> Any
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def getFieldByClass[T](name: String, clazz: Class[T]): LitSeq[T]
Inherited from:
def getFieldByType[T : LTag](name: String): LitSeq[T]
Inherited from:
override def hashCode(): Int
Definition Classes
FHIRObject -> Any
Inherited from:
def modifyField[T : LTag, Up >: DateFilter <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, modify: T => T)(implicit evidence$5: LTag[T], ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
def modifyFieldUnsafe[T, Up >: DateFilter <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, modify: T => T)(implicit ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
final def nodalExtract[From, To](klass: Class[From], fn: From => To): LitSeq[To]

Convenience alias for nodalGetByClass andThen map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To.

Convenience alias for nodalGetByClass andThen map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To.

Inherited from:
final def nodalGetByClass[Target](klass: Class[Target]): LitSeq[Target]

Extract values of type From Unlike nodalMap, this is safe even if From is a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_] or an Option[_], however there remains a caveat with 'subtyped' types (eg PositiveInt), in that we can't differentiate them from the parent class Quite slow but faster than ^^

Extract values of type From Unlike nodalMap, this is safe even if From is a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_] or an Option[_], however there remains a caveat with 'subtyped' types (eg PositiveInt), in that we can't differentiate them from the parent class Quite slow but faster than ^^

Inherited from:
final def nodalMap[T](klass: Class[T], fn: T => T): DateFilter

Bit faster than >>, but still much slower than using update$foo when possible. If you must use it, then:

Bit faster than >>, but still much slower than using update$foo when possible. If you must use it, then:

  • T should not be a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_], an Option[_], or any 'subtyped' type (eg PositiveInt). You should ensure, if T is a supertype of multiple valid choice values (e.g. T =:= Object), that the return value of fn retains the same type as the input value.
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def setFromField[T, UpType >: DateFilter <: FHIRObject : LTag](field: FHIRComponentFieldMeta[T])(newVal: T): UpType
Inherited from:
def thisClassName: String
Inherited from:
def toClass[T](klass: Class[T]): Option[T]
Inherited from:
override def toString: String
Definition Classes
FHIRObject -> Any
Inherited from:
def toType[T](implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Option[T]
Inherited from:
def updateFromField[T, UpType >: DateFilter <: FHIRObject : LTag](field: FHIRComponentFieldMeta[T])(fn: T => T): UpType
Inherited from:
def withField[T : LTag, Up >: DateFilter <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, value: T)(implicit evidence$6: LTag[T], ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
def withFieldUnsafe[T, Up >: DateFilter <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, value: T)(implicit ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
def withFields[Up >: DateFilter <: FHIRObject](replacementFields: (String, Any)*)(implicit ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

override val extension: LitSeq[Extension]
override val id: Option[String]
val path: Option[String]
val searchParam: Option[String]
val value: Option[ValueChoice]

Inherited fields

override val thisTypeName: String
Inherited from: