Class PolygonSprite

  extended by

public class PolygonSprite
extends Object

Stefan Bachmann, Nathan Sweet

Constructor Summary
PolygonSprite(PolygonRegion region)
PolygonSprite(PolygonSprite sprite)
          Creates a sprite that is a copy in every way of the specified sprite.
Method Summary
 void draw(PolygonSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
 void draw(PolygonSpriteBatch spriteBatch, float alphaModulation)
 Rectangle getBoundingRectangle()
          Returns the bounding axis aligned Rectangle that bounds this sprite.
 Color getColor()
          Returns the color of this sprite.
 float getHeight()
 float getOriginX()
 float getOriginY()
 float getRotation()
 float getScaleX()
 float getScaleY()
 float[] getVertices()
          Returns the packed vertices, colors, and texture coordinates for this sprite.
 float getWidth()
 float getX()
 float getY()
 void rotate(float degrees)
          Sets the sprite's rotation relative to the current rotation.
 void scale(float amount)
          Sets the sprite's scale relative to the current scale.
 void set(PolygonSprite sprite)
 void setBounds(float x, float y, float width, float height)
          Sets the position and size of the sprite when drawn, before scaling and rotation are applied.
 void setColor(Color tint)
 void setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
 void setOrigin(float originX, float originY)
          Sets the origin in relation to the sprite's position for scaling and rotation.
 void setPosition(float x, float y)
          Sets the position where the sprite will be drawn.
 void setRegion(PolygonRegion region)
 void setRotation(float degrees)
 void setScale(float scaleXY)
 void setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY)
 void setSize(float width, float height)
          Sets the size of the sprite when drawn, before scaling and rotation are applied.
 void setX(float x)
          Sets the x position where the sprite will be drawn.
 void setY(float y)
          Sets the y position where the sprite will be drawn.
 void translate(float xAmount, float yAmount)
          Sets the position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn.
 void translateX(float xAmount)
          Sets the x position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn.
 void translateY(float yAmount)
          Sets the y position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PolygonSprite(PolygonRegion region)


public PolygonSprite(PolygonSprite sprite)
Creates a sprite that is a copy in every way of the specified sprite.

Method Detail


public void set(PolygonSprite sprite)


public void setBounds(float x,
                      float y,
                      float width,
                      float height)
Sets the position and size of the sprite when drawn, before scaling and rotation are applied. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to set the bounds after those operations.


public void setSize(float width,
                    float height)
Sets the size of the sprite when drawn, before scaling and rotation are applied. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to set the size after those operations. If both position and size are to be changed, it is better to use setBounds(float, float, float, float).


public void setPosition(float x,
                        float y)
Sets the position where the sprite will be drawn. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to set the position after those operations. If both position and size are to be changed, it is better to use setBounds(float, float, float, float).


public void setX(float x)
Sets the x position where the sprite will be drawn. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to set the position after those operations. If both position and size are to be changed, it is better to use setBounds(float, float, float, float).


public void setY(float y)
Sets the y position where the sprite will be drawn. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to set the position after those operations. If both position and size are to be changed, it is better to use setBounds(float, float, float, float).


public void translateX(float xAmount)
Sets the x position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to translate after those operations.


public void translateY(float yAmount)
Sets the y position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to translate after those operations.


public void translate(float xAmount,
                      float yAmount)
Sets the position relative to the current position where the sprite will be drawn. If origin, rotation, or scale are changed, it is slightly more efficient to translate after those operations.


public void setColor(Color tint)


public void setColor(float r,
                     float g,
                     float b,
                     float a)


public void setOrigin(float originX,
                      float originY)
Sets the origin in relation to the sprite's position for scaling and rotation.


public void setRotation(float degrees)


public void rotate(float degrees)
Sets the sprite's rotation relative to the current rotation.


public void setScale(float scaleXY)


public void setScale(float scaleX,
                     float scaleY)


public void scale(float amount)
Sets the sprite's scale relative to the current scale.


public float[] getVertices()
Returns the packed vertices, colors, and texture coordinates for this sprite.


public Rectangle getBoundingRectangle()
Returns the bounding axis aligned Rectangle that bounds this sprite. The rectangles x and y coordinates describe its bottom left corner. If you change the position or size of the sprite, you have to fetch the triangle again for it to be recomputed.

the bounding Rectangle


public void draw(PolygonSpriteBatch spriteBatch)


public void draw(PolygonSpriteBatch spriteBatch,
                 float alphaModulation)


public float getX()


public float getY()


public float getWidth()


public float getHeight()


public float getOriginX()


public float getOriginY()


public float getRotation()


public float getScaleX()


public float getScaleY()


public Color getColor()
Returns the color of this sprite. Changing the returned color will have no affect, setColor(Color) or setColor(float, float, float, float) must be used.


public void setRegion(PolygonRegion region)

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