Class SpriteCache

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SpriteCache
extends Object
implements Disposable

Draws 2D images, optimized for geometry that does not change. Sprites and/or textures are cached and given an ID, which can later be used for drawing. The size, color, and texture region for each cached image cannot be modified. This information is stored in video memory and does not have to be sent to the GPU each time it is drawn.

To cache sprites or textures, first call beginCache(), then call the appropriate add method to define the images. To complete the cache, call endCache() and store the returned cache ID.

To draw with SpriteCache, first call begin(), then call draw(int) with a cache ID. When SpriteCache drawing is complete, call end().

By default, SpriteCache draws using screen coordinates and uses an x-axis pointing to the right, an y-axis pointing upwards and the origin is the bottom left corner of the screen. The default transformation and projection matrices can be changed. If the screen is resized, the SpriteCache's matrices must be updated. For example:
cache.getProjectionMatrix().setToOrtho2D(0, 0,,;

Note that SpriteCache does not manage blending. You will need to enable blending (;) and set the blend func as needed before or between calls to draw(int).

SpriteCache is managed. If the OpenGL context is lost and the restored, all OpenGL resources a SpriteCache uses internally are restored.

SpriteCache is a reasonably heavyweight object. Typically only one instance should be used for an entire application.

SpriteCache works with OpenGL ES 1.x and 2.0. For 2.0, it uses its own custom shader to draw.

SpriteCache must be disposed once it is no longer needed.

Nathan Sweet

Field Summary
 int renderCalls
          Number of render calls since the last begin().
 int totalRenderCalls
          Number of rendering calls, ever.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a cache that uses indexed geometry and can contain up to 1000 images.
SpriteCache(int size, boolean useIndices)
          Creates a cache with the specified size, using a default shader if OpenGL ES 2.0 is being used.
SpriteCache(int size, ShaderProgram shader, boolean useIndices)
          Creates a cache with the specified size and OpenGL ES 2.0 shader.
Method Summary
 void add(Sprite sprite)
          Adds the specified sprite to the cache.
 void add(Texture texture, float[] vertices, int offset, int length)
          Adds the specified vertices to the cache.
 void add(Texture texture, float x, float y)
          Adds the specified texture to the cache.
 void add(Texture texture, float x, float y, float originX, float originY, float width, float height, float scaleX, float scaleY, float rotation, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, boolean flipX, boolean flipY)
          Adds the specified texture to the cache.
 void add(Texture texture, float x, float y, float width, float height, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, boolean flipX, boolean flipY)
          Adds the specified texture to the cache.
 void add(Texture texture, float x, float y, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, float u, float v, float u2, float v2, float color)
          Adds the specified texture to the cache.
 void add(Texture texture, float x, float y, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight)
          Adds the specified texture to the cache.
 void add(TextureRegion region, float x, float y)
          Adds the specified region to the cache.
 void add(TextureRegion region, float x, float y, float width, float height)
          Adds the specified region to the cache.
 void add(TextureRegion region, float x, float y, float originX, float originY, float width, float height, float scaleX, float scaleY, float rotation)
          Adds the specified region to the cache.
 void begin()
          Prepares the OpenGL state for SpriteCache rendering.
 void beginCache()
          Starts the definition of a new cache, allowing the add and endCache() methods to be called.
 void beginCache(int cacheID)
          Starts the redefinition of an existing cache, allowing the add and endCache() methods to be called.
 void clear()
          Invalidates all cache IDs and resets the SpriteCache so new caches can be added.
 void dispose()
          Releases all resources held by this SpriteCache.
 void draw(int cacheID)
          Draws all the images defined for the specified cache ID.
 void draw(int cacheID, int offset, int length)
          Draws a subset of images defined for the specified cache ID.
 void end()
          Completes rendering for this SpriteCache.f
 int endCache()
          Ends the definition of a cache, returning the cache ID to be used with draw(int).
 Color getColor()
 Matrix4 getProjectionMatrix()
 Matrix4 getTransformMatrix()
 void setColor(Color tint)
          Sets the color used to tint images when they are added to the SpriteCache.
 void setColor(float color)
 void setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
 void setProjectionMatrix(Matrix4 projection)
 void setShader(ShaderProgram shader)
          Sets the shader to be used in a GLES 2.0 environment.
 void setTransformMatrix(Matrix4 transform)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int renderCalls
Number of render calls since the last begin().


public int totalRenderCalls
Number of rendering calls, ever. Will not be reset unless set manually.

Constructor Detail


public SpriteCache()
Creates a cache that uses indexed geometry and can contain up to 1000 images.


public SpriteCache(int size,
                   boolean useIndices)
Creates a cache with the specified size, using a default shader if OpenGL ES 2.0 is being used.

size - The maximum number of images this cache can hold. The memory required to hold the images is allocated up front. Max of 5460 if indices are used.
useIndices - If true, indexed geometry will be used.


public SpriteCache(int size,
                   ShaderProgram shader,
                   boolean useIndices)
Creates a cache with the specified size and OpenGL ES 2.0 shader.

size - The maximum number of images this cache can hold. The memory required to hold the images is allocated up front. Max of 5460 if indices are used.
useIndices - If true, indexed geometry will be used.
Method Detail


public void setColor(Color tint)
Sets the color used to tint images when they are added to the SpriteCache. Default is Color.WHITE.


public void setColor(float r,
                     float g,
                     float b,
                     float a)
See Also:


public void setColor(float color)
See Also:
setColor(Color), Color.toFloatBits()


public Color getColor()


public void beginCache()
Starts the definition of a new cache, allowing the add and endCache() methods to be called.


public void beginCache(int cacheID)
Starts the redefinition of an existing cache, allowing the add and endCache() methods to be called. If this is not the last cache created, it cannot have more entries added to it than when it was first created. To do that, use clear() and then begin().


public int endCache()
Ends the definition of a cache, returning the cache ID to be used with draw(int).


public void clear()
Invalidates all cache IDs and resets the SpriteCache so new caches can be added.


public void add(Texture texture,
                float[] vertices,
                int offset,
                int length)
Adds the specified vertices to the cache. Each vertex should have 5 elements, one for each of the attributes: x, y, color, u, and v. If indexed geometry is used, each image should be specified as 4 vertices, otherwise each image should be specified as 6 vertices.


public void add(Texture texture,
                float x,
                float y)
Adds the specified texture to the cache.


public void add(Texture texture,
                float x,
                float y,
                int srcWidth,
                int srcHeight,
                float u,
                float v,
                float u2,
                float v2,
                float color)
Adds the specified texture to the cache.


public void add(Texture texture,
                float x,
                float y,
                int srcX,
                int srcY,
                int srcWidth,
                int srcHeight)
Adds the specified texture to the cache.


public void add(Texture texture,
                float x,
                float y,
                float width,
                float height,
                int srcX,
                int srcY,
                int srcWidth,
                int srcHeight,
                boolean flipX,
                boolean flipY)
Adds the specified texture to the cache.


public void add(Texture texture,
                float x,
                float y,
                float originX,
                float originY,
                float width,
                float height,
                float scaleX,
                float scaleY,
                float rotation,
                int srcX,
                int srcY,
                int srcWidth,
                int srcHeight,
                boolean flipX,
                boolean flipY)
Adds the specified texture to the cache.


public void add(TextureRegion region,
                float x,
                float y)
Adds the specified region to the cache.


public void add(TextureRegion region,
                float x,
                float y,
                float width,
                float height)
Adds the specified region to the cache.


public void add(TextureRegion region,
                float x,
                float y,
                float originX,
                float originY,
                float width,
                float height,
                float scaleX,
                float scaleY,
                float rotation)
Adds the specified region to the cache.


public void add(Sprite sprite)
Adds the specified sprite to the cache.


public void begin()
Prepares the OpenGL state for SpriteCache rendering.


public void end()
Completes rendering for this SpriteCache.f


public void draw(int cacheID)
Draws all the images defined for the specified cache ID.


public void draw(int cacheID,
                 int offset,
                 int length)
Draws a subset of images defined for the specified cache ID.

offset - The first image to render.
length - The number of images from the first image (inclusive) to render.


public void dispose()
Releases all resources held by this SpriteCache.

Specified by:
dispose in interface Disposable


public Matrix4 getProjectionMatrix()


public void setProjectionMatrix(Matrix4 projection)


public Matrix4 getTransformMatrix()


public void setTransformMatrix(Matrix4 transform)


public void setShader(ShaderProgram shader)
Sets the shader to be used in a GLES 2.0 environment. Vertex position attribute is called "a_position", the texture coordinates attribute is called called "a_texCoords", the color attribute is called "a_color". The projection matrix is uploaded via a mat4 uniform called "u_proj", the transform matrix is uploaded via a uniform called "u_trans", the combined transform and projection matrx is is uploaded via a mat4 uniform called "u_projTrans". The texture sampler is passed via a uniform called "u_texture". Call this method with a null argument to use the default shader.

shader - the ShaderProgram or null to use the default shader.

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