Package com.badlogic.gdx.input

Interface Summary
GestureDetector.GestureListener Register an instance of this class with a GestureDetector to receive gestures such as taps, long presses, flings, panning or pinch zooming.

Class Summary
GestureDetector InputProcessor implementation that detects gestures (tap, long press, fling, pan, zoom, pinch) and hands them to a GestureDetector.GestureListener.
GestureDetector.GestureAdapter Derrive from this if you only want to implement a subset of GestureDetector.GestureListener.
RemoteInput An Input implementation that receives touch, key, accelerometer and compass events from a remote Android device.
RemoteSender Sends all inputs from touch, key, accelerometer and compass to a RemoteInput at the given ip/port.

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