Interface AudioDevice

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface AudioDevice
    extends Disposable
    Encapsulates an audio device in mono or stereo mode. Use the writeSamples(float[], int, int) and writeSamples(short[], int, int) methods to write float or 16-bit signed short PCM data directly to the audio device. Stereo samples are interleaved in the order left channel sample, right channel sample. The dispose() method must be called when this AudioDevice is no longer needed.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void dispose()
      Frees all resources associated with this AudioDevice.
      int getLatency()  
      boolean isMono()  
      void pause()
      Pauses the audio device if supported
      void resume()
      Unpauses the audio device if supported
      void setVolume​(float volume)
      Sets the volume in the range [0,1].
      void writeSamples​(float[] samples, int offset, int numSamples)
      Writes the array of float PCM samples to the audio device and blocks until they have been processed.
      void writeSamples​(short[] samples, int offset, int numSamples)
      Writes the array of 16-bit signed PCM samples to the audio device and blocks until they have been processed.
    • Method Detail

      • isMono

        boolean isMono()
        whether this AudioDevice is in mono or stereo mode.
      • writeSamples

        void writeSamples​(short[] samples,
                          int offset,
                          int numSamples)
        Writes the array of 16-bit signed PCM samples to the audio device and blocks until they have been processed.
        samples - The samples.
        offset - The offset into the samples array
        numSamples - the number of samples to write to the device
      • writeSamples

        void writeSamples​(float[] samples,
                          int offset,
                          int numSamples)
        Writes the array of float PCM samples to the audio device and blocks until they have been processed.
        samples - The samples.
        offset - The offset into the samples array
        numSamples - the number of samples to write to the device
      • getLatency

        int getLatency()
        the latency in samples.
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Frees all resources associated with this AudioDevice. Needs to be called when the device is no longer needed.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface Disposable
      • setVolume

        void setVolume​(float volume)
        Sets the volume in the range [0,1].
      • pause

        void pause()
        Pauses the audio device if supported
      • resume

        void resume()
        Unpauses the audio device if supported