Class DecalBatch

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DecalBatch
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Disposable

    Renderer for Decal objects.

    New objects are added using add(Decal), there is no limit on how many decals can be added.
    Once all the decals have been submitted a call to flush() will batch them together and send big chunks of geometry to the GL.

    The size of the batch specifies the maximum number of decals that can be batched together before they have to be submitted to the graphics pipeline. The default size is DEFAULT_SIZE. If it is known before hand that not as many will be needed on average the batch can be downsized to save memory. If the game is basically 3d based and decals will only be needed for an orthogonal HUD it makes sense to tune the size down.

    The way the batch handles things depends on the GroupStrategy. Different strategies can be used to customize shaders, states, culling etc. for more details see the GroupStrategy java doc.
    While it shouldn't be necessary to change strategies, if you have to do so, do it before calling add(Decal), and if you already did, call flush() first.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(Decal decal)
      Add a decal to the batch, marking it for later rendering
      protected void clear()
      Remove all decals from batch
      void dispose()
      Frees up memory by dropping the buffer and underlying resources.
      void flush()
      Flush this batch sending all contained decals to GL.
      protected void flush​(ShaderProgram shader, int verticesPosition)
      Flushes vertices[0,verticesPosition[ to GL verticesPosition % Decal.SIZE must equal 0
      int getSize()  
      void initialize​(int size)
      Initializes the batch with the given amount of decal objects the buffer is able to hold when full.
      protected void render()
      Renders all decals to the buffer and flushes the buffer to the GL when full/done
      void setGroupStrategy​(GroupStrategy groupStrategy)
      Sets the GroupStrategy used
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • setGroupStrategy

        public void setGroupStrategy​(GroupStrategy groupStrategy)
        Sets the GroupStrategy used
        groupStrategy - Group strategy to use
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(int size)
        Initializes the batch with the given amount of decal objects the buffer is able to hold when full.
        size - Maximum size of decal objects to hold in memory
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        maximum amount of decal objects this buffer can hold in memory
      • add

        public void add​(Decal decal)
        Add a decal to the batch, marking it for later rendering
        decal - Decal to add for rendering
      • flush

        public void flush()
        Flush this batch sending all contained decals to GL. After flushing the batch is empty once again.
      • render

        protected void render()
        Renders all decals to the buffer and flushes the buffer to the GL when full/done
      • flush

        protected void flush​(ShaderProgram shader,
                             int verticesPosition)
        Flushes vertices[0,verticesPosition[ to GL verticesPosition % Decal.SIZE must equal 0
        verticesPosition - Amount of elements from the vertices array to flush
      • clear

        protected void clear()
        Remove all decals from batch
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Frees up memory by dropping the buffer and underlying resources. If the batch is needed again after disposing it can be initialized again.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface Disposable