Class ArrowShapeBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrowShapeBuilder

        public ArrowShapeBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • build

        public static void build​(MeshPartBuilder builder,
                                 float x1,
                                 float y1,
                                 float z1,
                                 float x2,
                                 float y2,
                                 float z2,
                                 float capLength,
                                 float stemThickness,
                                 int divisions)
        Build an arrow
        x1 - source x
        y1 - source y
        z1 - source z
        x2 - destination x
        y2 - destination y
        z2 - destination z
        capLength - is the height of the cap in percentage, must be in (0,1)
        stemThickness - is the percentage of stem diameter compared to cap diameter, must be in (0,1]
        divisions - the amount of vertices used to generate the cap and stem ellipsoidal bases