Class FocusListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • FocusListener

        public FocusListener()
    • Method Detail

      • handle

        public boolean handle​(Event event)
        Description copied from interface: EventListener
        Try to handle the given event, if it is applicable.
        Specified by:
        handle in interface EventListener
        true if the event should be considered handled by scene2d.
      • keyboardFocusChanged

        public void keyboardFocusChanged​(FocusListener.FocusEvent event,
                                         Actor actor,
                                         boolean focused)
        actor - The event target, which is the actor that emitted the focus event.
      • scrollFocusChanged

        public void scrollFocusChanged​(FocusListener.FocusEvent event,
                                       Actor actor,
                                       boolean focused)
        actor - The event target, which is the actor that emitted the focus event.