Class NodePart


public class NodePart extends Object
A combination of MeshPart and Material, used to represent a Node's graphical properties. A NodePart is the smallest visible part of a Model, each NodePart implies a render call.
  • Field Details

    • meshPart

      public MeshPart meshPart
      The MeshPart (shape) to render. Must not be null.
    • material

      public Material material
      The Material used to render the meshPart. Must not be null.
    • invBoneBindTransforms

      public ArrayMap<Node,Matrix4> invBoneBindTransforms
      Mapping to each bone (node) and the inverse transform of the bind pose. Will be used to fill the bones array. May be null.
    • bones

      public Matrix4[] bones
      The current transformation (relative to the bind pose) of each bone, may be null. When the part is skinned, this will be updated by a call to ModelInstance.calculateTransforms(). Do not set or change this value manually.
    • enabled

      public boolean enabled
      true by default. If set to false, this part will not participate in rendering and bounding box calculation.
  • Constructor Details

    • NodePart

      public NodePart()
      Construct a new NodePart with null values. At least the meshPart and material member must be set before the newly created part can be used.
    • NodePart

      public NodePart(MeshPart meshPart, Material material)
      Construct a new NodePart referencing the provided MeshPart and Material.
      meshPart - The MeshPart to reference.
      material - The Material to reference.
  • Method Details

    • setRenderable

      public Renderable setRenderable(Renderable out)
      Convenience method to set the material, mesh, meshPartOffset, meshPartSize, primitiveType and bones members of the specified Renderable. The other member of the provided Renderable remain untouched. Note that the material, mesh and bones members are referenced, not copied. Any changes made to those objects will be reflected in both the NodePart and Renderable object.
      out - The Renderable of which to set the members to the values of this NodePart.
    • copy

      public NodePart copy()
    • set

      protected NodePart set(NodePart other)