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Interface Sound

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void dispose()
      Releases all the resources.
      long loop()
      Plays the sound, looping.
      long loop(float volume)
      Plays the sound, looping.
      long loop(float volume, float pitch, float pan)
      Plays the sound, looping.
      void pause()
      Pauses all instances of this sound.
      void pause(long soundId)
      Pauses the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float).
      long play()
      Plays the sound.
      long play(float volume)
      Plays the sound.
      long play(float volume, float pitch, float pan)
      Plays the sound.
      void resume()
      Resumes all paused instances of this sound.
      void resume(long soundId)
      Resumes the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float).
      void setLooping(long soundId, boolean looping)
      Sets the sound instance with the given id to be looping.
      void setPan(long soundId, float pan, float volume)
      Sets the panning and volume of the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float).
      void setPitch(long soundId, float pitch)
      Changes the pitch multiplier of the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float).
      void setPriority(long soundId, int priority)
      Sets the priority of a sound currently being played back.
      void setVolume(long soundId, float volume)
      Changes the volume of the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float).
      void stop()
      Stops playing all instances of this sound.
      void stop(long soundId)
      Stops the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float).
    • Method Detail

      • play

        long play()
        Plays the sound. If the sound is already playing, it will be played again, concurrently.
        the id of the sound instance if successful, or -1 on failure.
      • play

        long play(float volume)
        Plays the sound. If the sound is already playing, it will be played again, concurrently.
        volume - the volume in the range [0,1]
        the id of the sound instance if successful, or -1 on failure.
      • play

        long play(float volume,
                  float pitch,
                  float pan)
        Plays the sound. If the sound is already playing, it will be played again, concurrently.
        volume - the volume in the range [0,1]
        pitch - the pitch multiplier, 1 == default, >1 == faster, <1 == slower, the value has to be between 0.5 and 2.0
        pan - panning in the range -1 (full left) to 1 (full right). 0 is center position.
        the id of the sound instance if successful, or -1 on failure.
      • loop

        long loop()
        Plays the sound, looping. If the sound is already playing, it will be played again, concurrently.
        the id of the sound instance if successful, or -1 on failure.
      • loop

        long loop(float volume)
        Plays the sound, looping. If the sound is already playing, it will be played again, concurrently. You need to stop the sound via a call to stop(long) using the returned id.
        volume - the volume in the range [0, 1]
        the id of the sound instance if successful, or -1 on failure.
      • loop

        long loop(float volume,
                  float pitch,
                  float pan)
        Plays the sound, looping. If the sound is already playing, it will be played again, concurrently. You need to stop the sound via a call to stop(long) using the returned id.
        volume - the volume in the range [0,1]
        pitch - the pitch multiplier, 1 == default, >1 == faster, <1 == slower, the value has to be between 0.5 and 2.0
        pan - panning in the range -1 (full left) to 1 (full right). 0 is center position.
        the id of the sound instance if successful, or -1 on failure.
      • stop

        void stop()
        Stops playing all instances of this sound.
      • pause

        void pause()
        Pauses all instances of this sound.
      • resume

        void resume()
        Resumes all paused instances of this sound.
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Releases all the resources.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface Disposable
      • stop

        void stop(long soundId)
        Stops the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float). If the sound is no longer playing, this has no effect.
        soundId - the sound id
      • pause

        void pause(long soundId)
        Pauses the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float). If the sound is no longer playing, this has no effect.
        soundId - the sound id
      • resume

        void resume(long soundId)
        Resumes the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float). If the sound is not paused, this has no effect.
        soundId - the sound id
      • setLooping

        void setLooping(long soundId,
                        boolean looping)
        Sets the sound instance with the given id to be looping. If the sound is no longer playing this has no effect.s
        soundId - the sound id
        looping - whether to loop or not.
      • setPitch

        void setPitch(long soundId,
                      float pitch)
        Changes the pitch multiplier of the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float). If the sound is no longer playing, this has no effect.
        soundId - the sound id
        pitch - the pitch multiplier, 1 == default, >1 == faster, <1 == slower, the value has to be between 0.5 and 2.0
      • setVolume

        void setVolume(long soundId,
                       float volume)
        Changes the volume of the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float). If the sound is no longer playing, this has no effect.
        soundId - the sound id
        volume - the volume in the range 0 (silent) to 1 (max volume).
      • setPan

        void setPan(long soundId,
                    float pan,
                    float volume)
        Sets the panning and volume of the sound instance with the given id as returned by play() or play(float). If the sound is no longer playing, this has no effect.
        soundId - the sound id
        pan - panning in the range -1 (full left) to 1 (full right). 0 is center position.
        volume - the volume in the range [0,1].
      • setPriority

        void setPriority(long soundId,
                         int priority)
        Sets the priority of a sound currently being played back. Higher priority sounds will be considered last if the maximum number of concurrently playing sounds is exceeded. This is only a hint and might not be honored by a backend implementation.
        soundId - the sound id as returned by play() or loop() and their overloaded equivalents.
        priority - the priority (0 == lowest)

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