Class ArabicMorphoAnalysis

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ArabicMorphoAnalysis extends MorphoAnalysis implements Serializable
Arabic morphological analysis. An Arabic token is analyzed into a prefix, a stem, and a suffix, where any of these components could be empty. This class stores the prefix length and the stem length. The suffix length can be deduced from these and the length of the original token.
The component parts themselves can be subdivided into sub-components. Each sub-component has an associated tag. For example, one of the possible analyses for "wAlktb" (Buckwalter transliteration for "and the books") looks like:
 prefix:         wAl
 stem:           ktb
 part-of-speech: NOUN
 prefix:         [w, Al]
 prefixTags:     [CONJ, DET]
 stems:          [ktb]
 stemTags:       [NOUN]
 suffixes:       []
 suffixTags:     [NO_FUNC]
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPrefixLength

      public int getPrefixLength()
      Returns the number of characters in the prefix.
      the number of characters in the prefix
    • getStemLength

      public int getStemLength()
      Returns the number of characters in the stem.
      the number of characters in the stem.
    • getRoot

      public String getRoot()
      Returns the root, according to semitic linguistics.
      the root, according to semitic linguistics
    • getPrefixes

      public List<String> getPrefixes()
      Returns the components of the prefix, if any.
      the components of the prefix, if any
    • getStems

      public List<String> getStems()
      Returns the components of the stem.
      the components of the stem
    • getSuffixes

      public List<String> getSuffixes()
      Returns the components of the suffix, if any.
      the components of the suffix, if any
    • getPrefixTags

      public List<String> getPrefixTags()
      Returns the part-of-speech tags for the prefix components.
      the part-of-speech tags for prefix components
    • getStemTags

      public List<String> getStemTags()
      Returns the part-of-speech tags for stem components.
      the part-of-speech tags for stem components
    • getSuffixTags

      public List<String> getSuffixTags()
      Returns the part-of-speech tags for suffix components.
      the part-of-speech tags for suffix components.
    • isDefiniteArticle

      public boolean isDefiniteArticle()
      Returns true if this word has an attached definite article.
      true if this word has an attached definite article
    • isStrippablePrefix

      public boolean isStrippablePrefix()
      Returns true if the prefixes of this word can be stripped (e.g. prepositions).
      true if the prefixes of this word can be stripped (e.g. prepositions)
    • toStringHelper

      protected toStringHelper()
      toStringHelper in class MorphoAnalysis