Class Name

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Name extends BaseAttribute implements Serializable
A name of something in the world. Both Names and Mention objects can contains the names of things. Mention is used for reference inside of documents, while Name is used for names unrelated to documents.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Name

      protected Name(String text, String type, com.basistech.util.ISO15924 script, com.basistech.util.LanguageCode languageOfOrigin, com.basistech.util.LanguageCode languageOfUse, Map<String,Object> extendedProperties)
  • Method Details

    • getText

      public String getText()
      the text of this name.
    • getType

      public String getType()
      the type of the name, or null. Types are types of things in the world, such as 'PERSON' or 'LOCATION'.
    • getScript

      public com.basistech.util.ISO15924 getScript()
      the script code for this name. If the script is not specified, this will return ISO15924.Zyyy.
    • getLanguageOfOrigin

      public com.basistech.util.LanguageCode getLanguageOfOrigin()
      the language of origin for this name. If the language of origin is not specified, this will return LanguageCode.UNKNOWN.
    • getLanguageOfUse

      public com.basistech.util.LanguageCode getLanguageOfUse()
      the language of use for this name. If the language of use is not specified, this will return LanguageCode.UNKNOWN.
    • toStringHelper

      protected toStringHelper()
      toStringHelper in class BaseAttribute