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Blazebit Persistence Core API 1.2.0-Alpha4
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add(String, JpqlFunction) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Adds the given JpqlFunction for the given RDBMS to the group.
addArgument(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.FunctionRenderContext
Adds a binding to the argument of the given index to the render context.
addArgument(int) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.TemplateRenderer.Context
Uses the value of the argument at the given index as value to be bound to the current parameter.
addChunk(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.FunctionRenderContext
Adds the given chunk to the render context.
addParameter(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.TemplateRenderer.Context
Uses the given chunk as value to be bound to the current parameter.
addProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Add the given properties to the properties of the configuration.
afterKeyset() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetQueryBuilder
Uses the keyset which the keyset builder constructed to filter out rows that come before the keyset.
afterKeyset(Serializable...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetQueryBuilder
Like KeysetQueryBuilder.afterKeyset() but maps the reference values by position instead of by expression.
afterKeyset(Keyset) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetQueryBuilder
Like KeysetQueryBuilder.afterKeyset( but uses the given keyset as reference values.
all() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ALL quantor.
all(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ALL quantor.
and(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BetweenBuilder
Constructs a between predicate with a parameter as upper bound.
and(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder for a case when predicate with the given expression as left hand expression.
and(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder for a case when predicate with the given expression as left hand expression.
and() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts a case when and builder which connects it's predicates with the AND operator.
and() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts a case when and builder which connects it's predicates with the AND operator.
andExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
andExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
andExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
andExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
andExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BetweenBuilder
Constructs a between predicate with an expression as upper bound.
andNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
andNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
andNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
andNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
andSubqery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BetweenBuilder
Constructs a between predicate with a subquery as upper bound.
andSubqery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BetweenBuilder
Constructs a between predicate with an expression containing a subquery as upper bound.
andSubqery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BetweenBuilder
Constructs a between predicate with a subquery based on the given criteria builder as upper bound.
andSubqery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BetweenBuilder
Constructs a between predicate with an expression containing a subquery as upper bound.
andSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BetweenBuilder
Constructs a between predicate with an expression containing the given expression as upper bound.
andSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
andSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
any() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ANY quantor.
any(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ANY quantor.
appendExtendedSql(StringBuilder, DbmsStatementType, boolean, boolean, StringBuilder, String, String, String[], Map<DbmsModificationState, String>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Appends the with clause to the sql string builder.
appendSet(StringBuilder, SetOperationType, boolean, List<String>, List<? extends OrderByElement>, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Connects the given operands with the given set operation and appends that to the sql string builder.
applyReturning(SimpleReturningBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningObjectBuilder
Applies the returning bindings necessary for this object builder to work.
applySelects(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ObjectBuilder
Applies the select items necessary for this object builder to work.
applySql(String, boolean, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Apply the LIMIT and OFFSET clause on the given SQL as parameters.
applySql(StringBuilder, boolean, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Apply the LIMIT and OFFSET clause on the given SQL.
applySqlInlined(String, boolean, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler


BaseCriteriaBuilder<T,X extends BaseCriteriaBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for criteria queries.
BaseCTECriteriaBuilder<X extends BaseCTECriteriaBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for cte criteria queries.
BaseDeleteCriteriaBuilder<T,X extends BaseDeleteCriteriaBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for delete queries.
BaseFinalSetOperationBuilder<T,X extends BaseFinalSetOperationBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
BaseHavingBuilder<T extends BaseHavingBuilder<T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support having.
BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X extends BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base builder for insert queries.
BaseJoinOnBuilder<T extends BaseJoinOnBuilder<T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support join on.
BaseModificationCriteriaBuilder<X extends BaseModificationCriteriaBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for modification queries.
BaseOngoingFinalSetOperationBuilder<T,X extends BaseFinalSetOperationBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
BaseOngoingSetOperationBuilder<X,Y,Z extends StartOngoingSetOperationBuilder<?,?,?>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
BaseQueryBuilder<T,X extends BaseQueryBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support basic query functionality.
BaseSubqueryBuilder<X extends BaseSubqueryBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for subquery criteria queries.
BaseUpdateCriteriaBuilder<T,X extends BaseUpdateCriteriaBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for update queries.
BaseWhereBuilder<T extends BaseWhereBuilder<T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support filtering.
beforeKeyset() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetQueryBuilder
Uses the keyset which the keyset builder constructed to filter out rows that come after the keyset.
beforeKeyset(Serializable...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetQueryBuilder
Like KeysetQueryBuilder.beforeKeyset() but maps the reference values by position instead of by expression.
beforeKeyset(Keyset) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetQueryBuilder
Like KeysetQueryBuilder.beforeKeyset( but uses the given keyset as reference values.
between(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a builder for a between predicate with parameterized lower bound.
BetweenBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for between predicates.
betweenExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a builder for a between predicate with lower bound expression.
betweenSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for a between predicate with the given expression as lower bound.
betweenSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a builder for a between predicate with a subquery as lower bound.
betweenSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a builder for a between predicate with a subquery as lower bound.
betweenSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a builder for a between predicate with a subquery as lower bound.
betweenSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a builder for a between predicate with a subquery as lower bound.
BinaryPredicateBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The interface for binary predicate builders.
bind(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder
Binds the given value as parameter to the attribute.
bind(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder
Starts a select builder for creating an expression that should be bound to the attribute.
bind(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBaseCTECriteriaBuilder
Starts a select builder for building an expression to bind to the CTE attribute.
bindLimitParametersAtEndOfQuery(Integer, Integer, PreparedStatement, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Bind parameter values needed by the LIMIT clause after original SELECT statement.
bindLimitParametersAtStartOfQuery(Integer, Integer, PreparedStatement, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Bind parameter values needed by the LIMIT clause before original SELECT statement.
build(Object[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ObjectBuilder
Builds an object of the target type T from the given tuple.
build(Object[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningObjectBuilder
Builds an object of the target type T from the given tuple.
build() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.TemplateRenderer.Context
Binds the values to the underlying FunctionRenderContext.
buildList(List<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ObjectBuilder
Transforms the given list and returns the result.
buildList(List<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningObjectBuilder
Transforms the given list and returns the result.


caseWhen(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder to create a when expression with a single predicate in which expression will be on the left hand side of the predicate.
caseWhenAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a CaseWhenAndThenBuilder for building a when expression with conjunctively connected predicates.
CaseWhenAndBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
CaseWhenAndThenBuilder<T extends CaseWhenBuilder<?>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
CaseWhenBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for general case when expressions.
caseWhenExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator to create a when expression with a single exists predicate.
caseWhenExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator to create a when expression with a single exists predicate.
caseWhenNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator to create a when expression with a single negated exists predicate.
caseWhenNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator to create a when expression with a single negated exists predicate.
caseWhenOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a CaseWhenOrThenBuilder for building a when expression with disjunctively connected predicates.
CaseWhenOrBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
CaseWhenOrThenBuilder<T extends CaseWhenBuilder<?>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
CaseWhenStarterBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for general case when expressions.
caseWhenSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
caseWhenSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator to create a when expression with a single predicate in which the left hand side will be a subquery.
caseWhenSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator to create a when expression with a single predicate in which the left hand side will be a subquery.
caseWhenSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder to create a when expression with a single predicate in which the left hand side will be a subquery.
caseWhenSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder to create a when expression with a single predicate in which the left hand side will be a subquery.
CaseWhenThenBuilder<T extends CaseWhenBuilder<?>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder that can terminate the build process for general case when expressions.
cast(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns the cast expression for the given expression to the given sql type.
com.blazebit.persistence - package com.blazebit.persistence
Blaze-Persistence is a rich Criteria API for JPA.
com.blazebit.persistence.internal - package com.blazebit.persistence.internal
Contains experimental extensions that might not be supported by all JPA providers.
com.blazebit.persistence.spi - package com.blazebit.persistence.spi
SPI for implementers of the Blaze-Persistence API.
CommonQueryBuilder<X extends CommonQueryBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support basic query functionality.
ConfigurationSource - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Provides access to configuration parameters.
contains(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Whether a JpqlFunction for the given RDBMS name exists.
containsEntity(EntityManager, Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Returns whether the entity with the id is contained in the entity managers persistence context.
containsParameter(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Returns true if a parameter with the given name is registered, otherwise false.
Context(TemplateRenderer, FunctionRenderContext) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.TemplateRenderer.Context
Constructs a context for a template renderer and a render context.
copy(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilder
copy(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Copies this query builder into a new one, using it's projection as an overridable default.
copy(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
create(EntityManager, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Like CriteriaBuilderFactory.create(javax.persistence.EntityManager, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the result class returns.
create(EntityManager, Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new criteria builder with the given result class.
createConfiguration() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfigurationProvider
Creates and returns a new criteria builder configuration.
createCriteriaBuilderFactory(EntityManagerFactory) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Creates a new CriteriaBuilderFactory based on this configuration.
createJpaProvider(EntityManager) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProviderFactory
Create a JpaProvider for the given entity manager.
createLimitHandler() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Creates a new limit handler for an SQL query.
Criteria - Class in com.blazebit.persistence
Bootstrap class that is used to obtain a CriteriaBuilder instance.
CriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for criteria queries.
CriteriaBuilderConfiguration - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
A configuration for a CriteriaBuilderFactory which is mostly used in non Java EE environments.
CriteriaBuilderConfigurationProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.
CriteriaBuilderFactory - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface used to create criteria builders.
CTE - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence
Marks an entity as being a CTE.
CTEBuilder<T extends CTEBuilder<T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support CTEs.
CteQueryWrapper - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface for CTE queries.


DbmsDialect - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface for implementing some dbms specifics.
DbmsLimitHandler - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Handler for applying SQL LIMIT and OFFSET to a query.
DbmsModificationState - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Specifies the whether entity data in a statement should be before or after a modification CTE ran.
DbmsStatementType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Specifies the type of a simple statement irrespective of set operations or CTEs.
delete(EntityManager, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Like CriteriaBuilderFactory.delete(javax.persistence.EntityManager, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the delete class returns.
delete(EntityManager, Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new delete criteria builder for the given entity class.
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Like ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory.delete(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the delete class returns.
delete(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new delete criteria builder for the given entity class.
deleteCollection(EntityManager, Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Like CriteriaBuilderFactory.deleteCollection(javax.persistence.EntityManager, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the delete owner class returns.
deleteCollection(EntityManager, Class<T>, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new delete criteria builder for the given entity class and collection name to delete elements of the entity class's collection.
deleteCollection(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Like ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory.deleteCollection(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the delete owner class returns.
deleteCollection(Class<T>, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new delete criteria builder for the given entity class and collection name to delete elements of the entity class's collection.
DeleteCriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for delete queries.
distinct() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.DistinctBuilder
Marks the query to do a distinct select.
DistinctBuilder<X extends DistinctBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support distinct.


end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FinalSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder
Finishes the CTE builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FinalSetOperationSubqueryBuilder
Finishes the CTE builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullSelectCTECriteriaBuilder
Finishes the CTE builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnBuilder
Finishes the ON clause and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetBuilder
Finishes the keyset builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.MultipleSubqueryInitiator
Finishes the subquery builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilder
Finishes the returning builder and returns the parent builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectCTECriteriaBuilder
Finishes the CTE builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Finishes the select object builder.
end() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryBuilder
Finishes the subquery builder.
endAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Finishes the AND predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.HavingAndBuilder
Finishes the AND predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnAndBuilder
Finishes the AND predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.WhereAndBuilder
Finishes the AND predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Finishes the OR predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.HavingOrBuilder
Finishes the OR predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnOrBuilder
Finishes the OR predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.WhereOrBuilder
Finishes the OR predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
endSet() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseOngoingFinalSetOperationBuilder
Ends the set operation and returns the parent builder.
endSet() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseOngoingSetOperationBuilder
Ends the current set operation scope and switches back to the parent query.
endSetWith() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.MiddleOngoingSetOperationCriteriaBuilder
endSetWith() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.MiddleOngoingSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder
Finishes the current set operation builder and returns a final builder for ordering and limiting.
endSetWith() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.MiddleOngoingSetOperationSubqueryBuilder
endSetWith() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.OngoingSetOperationBuilder
Finishes the current set operation builder and returns a final builder for ordering and limiting.
EntityManagerFactoryIntegrator - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.
eq() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder for the EQ predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
eq(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the EQ predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
eq(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the right hand side for the EQ predicate.
eq(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the EQ predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
eq(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the EQ predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
eqExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the EQ predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
eqSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the EQ predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
escape(char) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.EscapeBuilder
Sets the given character as the escape character.
EscapeBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for the escape part of a like predicate.
escapeCharacter(char) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
The given escape character for a LIKE predicate as string.
except() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the except operator with query following after this call.
exceptAll() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the except all operator with query following after this call.
Executable - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for executable query builders.
executeReturning(ServiceProvider, List<Query>, Query, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Executes and returns the returning result of the Query by replacing the SQL with the given overriding SQL query.
executeUpdate() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Executable
Execute this modification statement and return the number of affected entities.
executeUpdate(ServiceProvider, List<Query>, Query, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Executes and returns the update count of the Query by replacing the SQL with the given overriding SQL query.
executeWithReturning(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ModificationCriteriaBuilder
Executes the modification query and returns the given attributes as tuples.
executeWithReturning(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ModificationCriteriaBuilder
Executes the modification query and returns the given attribute with the specified type.
executeWithReturning(ReturningObjectBuilder<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ModificationCriteriaBuilder
Executes the modification query and returns an object consisting of the attributes applied by the object builder.
expression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Uses the given expression as right hand side for the binary predicate.
ExtendedAttribute<X,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
This is a wrapper around the JPA Attribute that allows additionally efficient access to properties of the metamodel.
ExtendedManagedType<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
This is a wrapper around the JPA ManagedType that allows additionally efficient access to properties of the metamodel.
ExtendedQuerySupport - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.
extractReturningResult(PreparedStatement) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
TODO: documentation.


fetch(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FetchBuilder
Adds an implicit join fetch to the query.
fetch(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FetchBuilder
Adds an implicit join fetch for every given path to the query.
FetchBuilder<X extends FetchBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support fetching.
FinalSetOperationCriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
FinalSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
FinalSetOperationSubqueryBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
from(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseSubqueryBuilder
Like BaseSubqueryBuilder.from(String, String) with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of the class of the correlation parent.
from(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseSubqueryBuilder
Sets the correlation path on which the query should be based on with the given alias.
From - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
CAREFUL, this is an experimental API and will change!
from(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Like FromBuilder.from(Class, String) with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the entity class returns.
from(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Sets the entity class on which the query should be based on with the given alias.
from(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.from(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the entity class returns.
from(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Creates a new subquery builder with the given entity class as entity in the FROM clause with the given alias.
from(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.from(String, String) with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of the class of the correlation parent.
from(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Creates a new subquery builder with the given correlation path in the FROM clause with the given alias.
FromBuilder<X extends FromBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support the from clause.
fromIdentifiableValues(Class<?>, String, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Add a VALUES clause for values of the given value class to the from clause.
fromIdentifiableValues(Class<T>, String, Collection<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Like FromBuilder.fromIdentifiableValues(Class, String, int) but passes the collection size as valueCount and directly binds the collection as parameter via ParameterHolder.setParameter(String, Object).
fromIdentifiableValues(Class<?>, String, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Creates a new subquery builder with a VALUES clause for values of the given value class in the from clause.
fromIdentifiableValues(Class<X>, String, Collection<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.fromIdentifiableValues(Class, String, int) but passes the collection size as valueCount and directly binds the collection as parameter via ParameterHolder.setParameter(String, Object).
fromNew(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Like FromBuilder.from(Class) but explicitly queries the data after any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromNew(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Like FromBuilder.from(Class, String) but explicitly queries the data after any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromNew(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.from(Class) but explicitly queries the data after any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromNew(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.from(Class, String) but explicitly queries the data after any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromOld(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Like FromBuilder.from(Class) but explicitly queries the data before any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromOld(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Like FromBuilder.from(Class, String) but explicitly queries the data before any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromOld(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.from(Class) but explicitly queries the data before any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromOld(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.from(Class, String) but explicitly queries the data before any side effects happen because of CTEs.
fromValues(Class<?>, String, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Add a VALUES clause for values of the given value class to the from clause.
fromValues(Class<T>, String, Collection<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Like FromBuilder.fromValues(Class, String, int) but passes the collection size as valueCount and directly binds the collection as parameter via ParameterHolder.setParameter(String, Object).
fromValues(Class<?>, String, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Creates a new subquery builder with a VALUES clause for values of the given value class in the from clause.
fromValues(Class<X>, String, Collection<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Like SubqueryInitiator.fromValues(Class, String, int) but passes the collection size as valueCount and directly binds the collection as parameter via ParameterHolder.setParameter(String, Object).
FullQueryBuilder<T,X extends FullQueryBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support normal query functionality.
FullSelectCTECriteriaBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for cte criteria queries.
FunctionRenderContext - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.


ge() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder for the GE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
ge(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the GE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
ge(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the GE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
ge(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the GE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
ge(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the GE predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
geExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the GE predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
geSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the GE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
get(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Returns the JpqlFunction for the given RDBMS name.
getAlias() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.From
The alias of the from node.
getArgument(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.FunctionRenderContext
Returns the string representation of the argument at the given index.
getArgumentsSize() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.FunctionRenderContext
Returns the size of the arguments given to this function.
getAttribute() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the underlying attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedManagedType
Returns the extended attribute of the managed type for the given attribute name.
getAttributePath() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the path from the owning entity type to this attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedManagedType
Returns the extended attributes of the managed type.
getBooleanConditionalExpression(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
The JPQL conditional expression to use for the given literal boolean value.
getBooleanExpression(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
The JPQL expression to use for the given literal boolean value.
getCascadingDeleteSql(EntityManager, Query) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns the cascading SQL delete queries for the given query object.
getCollectionValueFunction() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Normally returns VALUE, but since Hibernate does weird things when using that, it returns null.
getColumnNames() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the column names of the attribute.
getColumnNames(EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Returns the column names of the attribute of the given entity type.
getColumnTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the SQL column type names of the attribute.
getColumnTypes(EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Returns the SQL column type names of the given attribute of the given entity type.
getCriteriaBuilderFactory() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CommonQueryBuilder
The criteria builder factory that created this or it's parent builder.
getCustomFunctionInvocation(String, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Returns the start of a JPQL representation of a function invocation for the given function name and argument count.
getDbms(EntityManagerFactory) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.EntityManagerFactoryIntegrator
Returns the name of dbms for which the given entity manager factory operates.
getDefault() - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.Criteria
getDefaultProvider() - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.Criteria
Returns the first CriteriaBuilderConfigurationProvider that is found.
getDefaultQueryResultType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
The default result type of a scalar query.
getDummyTable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns the name of a dummy table like DUAL in Oracle or null if none is required.
getElementClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Returns the element type of the attribute.
getEntityManager() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.QueryBuilder
Returns the associated entity manager.
getEntityManagerIntegrators() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Returns a list of registered entity manager enrichers.
getFirstResult() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetPage
Returns the position of the first result, numbered from 0.
getFirstResult() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.LimitBuilder
The position of the first result.
getFirstResult() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PagedList
Returns the position of the first result, numbered from 0.
getFrom(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Returns the from element for the given alias or null.
getFromByPath(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Returns the from element for the given path, creating it if necessary.
getFunction(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Returns the JpqlFunctionGroup for registered function with the given name or null.
getFunctionNames() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Returns the set of registered functions.
getHighest() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetPage
Returns the key set for the highest entry of the corresponding PagedList.
getIdAttribute() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedManagedType
Returns the id attribute if it has one, otherwise null.
getIdColumnMappings() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JoinTable
Returns the foreign key mappings of the join tables column names to the owner table column names.
getJoinTable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
If the attribute is a collection that uses a join table, returns it's descriptor.
getJoinTable(EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
If the given attribute is a collection that uses a join table, returns it's descriptor.
getJoinTypeIndexedRequiresTreatFilter(JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Returns where to put treat filters for a treat joined association of this attribute.
getJpaProviderFactory(EntityManagerFactory) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.EntityManagerFactoryIntegrator
Returns the jpa provider factory for the jpa provider of the given entity manager factory.
getKeyColumnMappings() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JoinTable
Returns the column mappings of the key/index column if there are any, otherwise null.
getKeysetPage() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PagedList
Returns the key set page for this paged list which can be used for key set pagination.
getLastResult() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningResult
Returns the last element of the returning clause result.
getLowest() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetPage
Returns the key set for the lowest entry of the corresponding PagedList.
getMacroNames() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Returns the set of registered macros.
getMappedBy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
If the attribute is an inverse collection, the mapped by attribute name is returned.
getMappedBy(EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
If the given attribute is an inverse collection, the mapped by attribute name is returned.
getMaxResults() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetPage
Returns the maximum number of results.
getMaxResults() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.LimitBuilder
The maximum number of results to retrieve.
getMaxResults() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PagedList
Returns the maximum number of results.
getMetamodel() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CommonQueryBuilder
Returns the JPA Metamodel of the persistence unit which is used by this query builder.
getName() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
The name of the function.
getNamedTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Returns a map of registered named types.
getNullExpression() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
The JPQL expression to use for the NULL literal.
getOnClause() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
The name of the clause that has the same semantics as the ON clause which was introduced in JPA 2.1.
getPage() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PagedList
Returns the number of this page, numbered from 1.
getPageCountQueryString() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
Returns the query string that selects the count of elements.
getPageIdQueryString() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
Returns the query string that selects the id of the elements.
getParameter(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Returns the parameter object representing the parameter with the given name if ParameterHolder.containsParameter(String) returns true, otherwise null.
getParameters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Returns a set of all registered parameters.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Returns the set value for the parameter with the given name.
getParticipatingQueries() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CteQueryWrapper
Returns the list of queries that are participating in this aggregate query.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.OrderByElement
The position of the order by expression in the select clause.
getPrepareFlags() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
TODO: documentation.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ConfigurationSource
Returns all properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Returns all properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ConfigurationSource
Returns a property value by name.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Returns a property value by name.
getQuery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Executable
Returns the JPA query for the built query.
getQuery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Queryable
Returns the JPA typed query for the built query.
getQueryString() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Executable
Returns the query string for the built query.
getQueryString() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Queryable
Returns the query string for the built query.
getRegisteredFunctions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Returns all functions that are available in queries as a map of function name to JpqlFunction.
getRegisteredFunctions(EntityManagerFactory) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.EntityManagerFactoryIntegrator
Returns all registered functions as map with the function name as key and a JpqlFunction.
getResultList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
Execute the query and return the result as a type PagedList.
getResultList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Queryable
Execute the query and return the result as a type List.
getResultList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningResult
Returns the result of the returning clause.
getResultList(ServiceProvider, List<Query>, Query, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns the result list of the Query by replacing the SQL with the given overriding SQL query.
getResultType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseQueryBuilder
Returns the result type of this query.
getReturnType(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunction
Returns the return type of this function.
getRoot() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ModificationCriteriaBuilder
Returns the query root.
getRoots() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Returns the query roots.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ServiceProvider
Returns the service or null if none is available.
getSingleResult() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Queryable
Execute the query expecting a single result.
getSingleResult(ServiceProvider, List<Query>, Query, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns the single result of the Query by replacing the SQL with the given overriding SQL query.
getSize() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PagedList
Returns the actual size of this page.
getSql(EntityManager, Query) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns the SQL query for the given query object.
getSqlAlias(EntityManager, Query, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns the SQL table alias of the JPQL from node alias in the given query.
getSqlSelectAliasPosition(EntityManager, Query, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns the corresponding position of the given JPQL select alias in the SQL query's select clause of the given query object.
getSqlSelectAttributePosition(EntityManager, Query, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns the corresponding position of the given JPQL attribute expression in the SQL query's select clause of the given query object.
getSqlType(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns the sql type for the java class type for usage in cast expressions.
getTableName() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JoinTable
The name of the join table.
getTargetColumnMappings() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JoinTable
Returns the foreign key mappings of the join tables column names to the target table column names.
getTotalPages() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PagedList
Returns the number of total pages.
getTotalSize() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PagedList
Returns the total size of the list.
getTuple() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.Keyset
Returns the key set tuple ordered by the respective order by expressions.
getType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.From
The type of the from node.
getType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedManagedType
Returns the underlying managed type.
getUpdateCount() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningResult
Execute this modification statement and return the number of affected entities.
getValuesStrategy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns the strategy to use for values generation.
getWithClause(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns the SQL representation for the normal or recursive with clause.
getWithReturningQuery(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ModificationCriteriaBuilder
Creates a query that contains the modification query and returns the given attributes as tuples.
getWithReturningQuery(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ModificationCriteriaBuilder
Creates a query that contains the modification query and returns the given attribute with the specified type.
getWithReturningQuery(ReturningObjectBuilder<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ModificationCriteriaBuilder
Creates a query that contains the modification query and returns an object consisting of the attributes applied by the object builder.
getWritableMappedByMappings(EntityType<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
If the attribute is insertable = false and updatable = false it returns the writable mappings for the inverse type.
getWritableMappedByMappings(EntityType<?>, EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
If the given attribute is insertable = false and updatable = false it returns the writable mappings for the inverse type.
groupBy(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.GroupByBuilder
Adds a multiple group by clause with the given expressions to the query.
groupBy(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.GroupByBuilder
Adds a group by clause with the given expression to the query.
GroupByBuilder<X extends GroupByBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support groupy by.
gt() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder for the GT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
gt(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the GT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
gt(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the GT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
gt(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the GT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
gt(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the GT predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
gtExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the GT predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
gtSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the GT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.


hasArguments() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunction
Returns true if the function has arguments, false otherwise.
hasCascadingDeleteCycle() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Returns whether the type of the attribute causes a cascading delete cycle.
hasCascadingDeleteCycle() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedManagedType
Returns whether the type has a cascading delete cycle.
hasParenthesesIfNoArguments() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunction
Returns false if parentheses might be skipped if no arguments are given, true otherwise.
having(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder for a having predicate with the given expression as left hand expression.
havingAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.HavingOrBuilder
Starts a having and builder which connects it's predicates with the AND operator.
HavingAndBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a having predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
HavingBuilder<T extends HavingBuilder<T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support aggregation.
havingCase() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a CaseWhenBuilder for a where predicate.
havingExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the having clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
havingExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the having clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
havingExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.HavingBuilder
Sets the given expression as expression for the having clause.
havingExpressionSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.HavingBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for expression of the having clause.
havingNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the having clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
havingNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the having clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
havingOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.HavingAndBuilder
Starts a having or builder which connects it's predicates with the OR operator.
havingOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.HavingBuilder
Starts a HavingOrBuilder which is a predicate consisting only of disjunctiv connected predicates.
HavingOrBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a having predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
havingSimpleCase(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a SimpleCaseWhenBuilder for a where predicate.
havingSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a predicate.
havingSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a predicate.
havingSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a predicate.
havingSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder base on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a predicate.
havingSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseHavingBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder base on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a predicate.


in(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.internal.RestrictionBuilderExperimental
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the right hand side of the IN predicate.
in(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.internal.RestrictionBuilderExperimental
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the right hand side of the IN predicate.
in() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the right hand side of the IN predicate.
in(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the right hand side of the IN predicate.
in(Collection<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the IN predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
in(Object...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like but the values will be wrapped in a Collection.
inExpressions(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the IN predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
innerJoin(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
innerJoinDefault(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
innerJoinDefaultOn(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
innerJoinFetch(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
innerJoinFetchDefault(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
innerJoinOn(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
innerJoinOn(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
innerJoinOn(String, Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
insert(EntityManager, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new insert criteria builder for the given entity class.
insert(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new insert criteria builder for the given entity class.
insertCollection(EntityManager, Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new insert criteria builder for the given entity class and collection name to update elements of the entity class's collection.
insertCollection(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new insert criteria builder for the given entity class and collection name to update elements of the entity class's collection.
InsertCriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for insert queries.
inSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.internal.RestrictionBuilderExperimental
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for the right hand side of the IN predicate.
intersect() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the intersect operator with query following after this call.
intersectAll() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the intersect all operator with query following after this call.
isAggregate() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Whether the function is an aggregate.
isAscending() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.OrderByElement
Whether sorting is ascending or descending.
isBag() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Whether the attribute is a non-indexed and non-ordered collection a.k.a. a bag.
isBag(EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether the given attribute is a non-indexed and non-ordered collection a.k.a. a bag.
isColumnShared() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Whether columns for the attribute are shared between multiple subtypes or shared by occupying the same slot in the resulting SQL.
isColumnShared(EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether columns for the given attribute are shared between multiple subtypes or shared by occupying the same slot in the resulting SQL.
isDeleteCascaded() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Whether delete cascading is activated for the attribute.
isDeleteCascaded(ManagedType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether delete cascading is activated for the given attribute.
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the IS EMPTY predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
isForeignJoinColumn() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Whether the join columns for the attribute are in a foreign table.
isForeignJoinColumn(EntityType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether the join columns for the given attribute are in a foreign table.
isKeysetExtraction() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
Returns whether keyset extraction is enabled or not.
isMemberOf(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the MEMBER OF predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
isNotEmpty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.isEmpty() but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
isNotMemberOf(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.isMemberOf(java.lang.String) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
isNotNull() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.isNull() but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
isNull() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the IS NULL predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
isNullsFirst() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.OrderByElement
Whether nulls have precedence or non-nulls.
isOrphanRemoval() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedAttribute
Whether orphan removal is activated for the attribute.
isOrphanRemoval(ManagedType<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether orphan removal is activated for the given attribute.
isParameterSet(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Returns true if a parameter with the given name is registered and a value has been set, otherwise false.


join(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Adds a join to the query, possibly specializing implicit joins, and giving the joined element an alias.
join(String, String, JoinType, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Adds a join to the query, possibly specializing implicit joins, and giving the joined element an alias.
joinDefault(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Adds a join to the query, possibly specializing implicit joins, and giving the joined element an alias.
joinDefault(String, String, JoinType, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Adds a join to the query, possibly specializing implicit joins, and giving the joined element an alias.
joinDefaultOn(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Adds a join with an on-clause to the query, possibly specializing implicit joins, and giving the joined element an alias.
joinOn(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Adds a join with an on-clause to the query, possibly specializing implicit joins, and giving the joined element an alias.
joinOn(Class<?>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
joinOn(String, Class<?>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
Adds an entity join with an on-clause to the query and giving the joined element an alias.
JoinOnAndBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a on predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
JoinOnBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support join on.
JoinOnOrBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a on predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
JoinTable - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
A structure for accessing join table information.
JoinTable(String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JoinTable
Constructs a JoinTable.
JoinType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence
The different join types which are possible.
JpaProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
A JPA provider implementation provides information about which features are supported by a JPA implementation.
JpaProvider.ConstraintType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
The possible locations of a constraint.
JpaProviderFactory - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
A service provider factory to create JpaProvider instances.
JpqlFunction - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface for implementing a JPA custom function that renders dbms specific code.
JpqlFunctionGroup - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
A group of JpqlFunctions for various DBMSes under a single function name.
JpqlFunctionGroup(String) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Constructs a non-aggregate function group with the given name.
JpqlFunctionGroup(String, JpqlFunction) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Constructs a non-aggregate function group with the given name and given default function.
JpqlFunctionGroup(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Constructs a function group with the given name.
JpqlFunctionGroup(String, boolean, Map<String, JpqlFunction>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionGroup
Constructs a function group with the given name and given function mappings.
JpqlMacro - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Interface for implementing a macro function that produces JPQL from it's parameters.


Keyset - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface that represents the key set of a row.
KeysetBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for keysets to make use of keyset pagination.
KeysetPage - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface that represents the key set of a PagedList.
KeysetQueryBuilder<X extends KeysetQueryBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support keyset filtering.


le() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder for the LE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
le(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the LE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
le(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the LE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
le(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the LE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
le(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the LE predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
LeafOngoingFinalSetOperationCriteriaBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
LeafOngoingFinalSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
LeafOngoingFinalSetOperationSubqueryBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
LeafOngoingSetOperationCriteriaBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
LeafOngoingSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
LeafOngoingSetOperationSubqueryBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
leExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the LE predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
leftJoin(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
leftJoinDefault(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
leftJoinDefaultOn(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
leftJoinFetch(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
leftJoinFetchDefault(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
leftJoinOn(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
leftJoinOn(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
leftJoinOn(String, Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
leSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the LE predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
like(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Creates a LikeBuilder for building a like predicate.
like() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like with caseSensitive = true.
LikeBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for the like predicate.
LimitBuilder<X extends LimitBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support limit and offset.
limitIncludesOffset() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Returns whether the parameter value for OFFSET should be added to the value of LIMIT.
lt() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder for the LT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
lt(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the LT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
lt(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the LT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
lt(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the LT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.
lt(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the LT predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
ltExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Finishes the LT predicate and adds it to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
ltSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the LT predicate that can be used to apply quantors.


mergeProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Adds the given properties to the properties of the configuration, without overriding existing values.
MiddleOngoingSetOperationCriteriaBuilder<T,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
MiddleOngoingSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder<T,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
MiddleOngoingSetOperationSubqueryBuilder<T,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
ModificationCriteriaBuilder<X extends ModificationCriteriaBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for modification queries.
MultipleSubqueryInitiator<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface used to create subquery builders for expressions with multiple subqueries.


needsAssociationToIdRewriteInOnClause() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates if the provider needs associations in the ON clause to use their id.
needsBracketsForListParamter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether brackets are needed around a list parameter.
needsBrokenAssociationToIdRewriteInOnClause() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates if the provider needs associations in the ON clause to use their id.
needsCastParameters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns whether parameters need to be casted if occurring in an untyped context like e.g.
needsJoinSubqueryRewrite() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Returns whether key restricted left joins should be rewritten to subquery joins.
needsReturningSqlTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns whether sql types for the returning columns need to be provided.
needsTypeConstraintForColumnSharing() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates if the provider does column sharing for same named columns in inheritance mappings and thus requires the use of a CASE WHEN expression for restricting casted accesses like e.g.
noEscape() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.EscapeBuilder
Specifies that no escape character should be used.
nonPortable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Switch to the non portable mode which might to be portable to other JPA providers.
notBetween(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.notBetween(java.lang.Object) but the resulting predicate is negated.
notBetweenExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.betweenExpression(java.lang.String) but the resulting predicate is negated.
notBetweenSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.betweenSubqueries(java.lang.String) but the resulting predicate is negated.
notBetweenSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.betweenSubquery() but the resulting predicate is negated.
notBetweenSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
notBetweenSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.betweenSubquery(FullQueryBuilder) but the resulting predicate is negated.
notBetweenSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
notEq() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.eq() but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notEq(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.eq(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notEq(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.eq(FullQueryBuilder) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notEq(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.eq(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, FullQueryBuilder) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notEq(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.eq(java.lang.Object) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notEqExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.eqExpression(java.lang.String) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notEqSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.eqSubqueries(java.lang.String) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notIn(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.internal.RestrictionBuilderExperimental
Like, java.lang.String) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notIn(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.internal.RestrictionBuilderExperimental
notIn() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notIn(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notIn(Collection<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notIn(Object...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.notIn(java.util.Collection) but the values will be wrapped in a Collection.
notInExpressions(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.inExpressions(String...) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notInSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.internal.RestrictionBuilderExperimental
Like RestrictionBuilderExperimental.inSubqueries(java.lang.String) but the result is wrapped in a NOT predicate.
notLike(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like but the resulting like predicate is negated.
notLike() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.RestrictionBuilder
Like RestrictionBuilder.notLike(boolean) with caseSensitive = true.


ObjectBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An object build provides the select clause expressions that should be used by a FullQueryBuilder and provides methods for transforming tuples into the target type T.
on(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseJoinOnBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder for an on predicate with the given expression as left hand expression.
onAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnOrBuilder
Starts a on and builder which connects it's predicates with the AND operator.
onExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnBuilder
Sets the given expression as expression for the on clause.
onExpressionSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for expression of the on clause.
OngoingFinalSetOperationCriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
OngoingFinalSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
OngoingFinalSetOperationSubqueryBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
OngoingSetOperationBuilder<X,Y,Z extends StartOngoingSetOperationBuilder<?,?,?>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support set operators.
OngoingSetOperationCriteriaBuilder<T,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
OngoingSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder<T,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
OngoingSetOperationSubqueryBuilder<T,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
onOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnAndBuilder
Starts a on or builder which connects it's predicates with the OR operator.
onOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.JoinOnBuilder
Starts a JoinOnOrBuilder which is a predicate consisting only of disjunctiv connected predicates.
or() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndBuilder
Starts a case when or builder which connects it's predicates with the OR operator.
or() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenAndThenBuilder
Starts a case when or builder which connects it's predicates with the OR operator.
or(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder for a case when predicate with the given expression as left hand expression.
or(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder for a case when predicate with the given expression as left hand expression.
orderBy(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.OrderByBuilder
Adds an order by clause with the given expression to the query.
orderByAsc(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.OrderByBuilder
Like OrderByBuilder.orderByAsc(java.lang.String, boolean) but with nullFirst set to false.
orderByAsc(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.OrderByBuilder
OrderByBuilder<T extends OrderByBuilder<T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support sorting.
orderByDesc(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.OrderByBuilder
Like OrderByBuilder.orderByDesc(java.lang.String, boolean) but with nullFirst set to false.
orderByDesc(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.OrderByBuilder
OrderByElement - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Represents an order by element.
orExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
orExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
orExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
orExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
orNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
orNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
orNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
orNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
orSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
orSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenOrThenBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
otherwise(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenBuilder
Adds the given else parameter value to the case when builder.
otherwise(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SimpleCaseWhenBuilder
Adds the given else expression to the case when builder.
otherwiseExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenBuilder
Adds the given else expression to the case when builder.


page(int, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Paginates the results of this query.
page(Object, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Paginates the results of this query and navigates to the page on which the entity with the given entity id is located.
page(KeysetPage, int, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Like, int) but additionally uses key set pagination when possible.
PagedList<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An extended version of a List which also provides access to the total size of the list.
PaginatedCriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for paginated criteria queries.
ParameterHolder<X extends ParameterHolder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that can hold parameters.
prepare(PreparedStatement, int[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
TODO: documentation.


QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The interface for quantifiable binary predicate builders.
Queryable<T,X extends Queryable<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that querying.
QueryBuilder<T,X extends QueryBuilder<T,X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A base interface for builders that support normal query functionality.


registerDialect(String, DbmsDialect) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Registers the given dialect for the given dbms name.
registerEntityManagerIntegrator(EntityManagerFactoryIntegrator) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Registers the given entity manager enricher in the configuration.
registerFunction(JpqlFunctionGroup) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Registers the given jpql function group in the configuration.
registerFunctions(EntityManagerFactory, Map<String, JpqlFunctionGroup>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.EntityManagerFactoryIntegrator
Registers the given functions under the given names on the given entity manager factory.
registerMacro(String, JpqlMacro) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CommonQueryBuilder
Registers the given jpql macro for this query builder.
registerMacro(String, JpqlMacro) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Registers the given jpql macro in the configuration.
registerNamedType(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Registers the given type under the given name.
render(FunctionRenderContext) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunction
Renders the function into the given function render context.
render(FunctionRenderContext) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlMacro
Renders the function into the given function render context.
renderNullPrecedence(StringBuilder, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Renders the null precedence into the given string builder.
requiresTreatFilter(EntityType<?>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Returns where to put treat filters for a treat joined association of this attribute.
RestrictionBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for predicates.
RestrictionBuilderExperimental<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.internal
This interface contains experimental restriction builder methods.
returning(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningBuilder
Binds a entity attribute(modificationQueryAttribute) to a CTE attribute(cteAttribute) and returns this builder for chaining.
returning(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SimpleReturningBuilder
Adds the given entity attribute(modificationQueryAttribute) to the RETURNING clause.
ReturningBuilder<X extends ReturningBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for the returning clause.
ReturningDeleteCriteriaBuilder<T,X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for delete queries.
ReturningInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for insert queries.
ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilder<X extends ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilder<X,Y>,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for modification queries.
ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for modification queries that return results.
ReturningObjectBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An object build provides the returning bindings that should be used by a ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilder and provides methods for transforming tuples into the target type T.
ReturningResult<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for modification queries.
ReturningUpdateCriteriaBuilder<T,X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for update queries.
rightJoin(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
rightJoinDefault(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
rightJoinDefaultOn(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
rightJoinFetch(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
rightJoinFetchDefault(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
rightJoinOn(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
rightJoinOn(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder
rightJoinOn(String, Class<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FromBuilder


select(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Adds a select clause with the given expression to the query.
select(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Adds a select clause with the given expression and alias to the query.
SelectBaseCTECriteriaBuilder<X extends SelectBaseCTECriteriaBuilder<X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for cte criteria queries that select.
SelectBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support selecting.
selectCase() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
selectCase(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Starts a CaseWhenBuilder with the given alias as select alias.
SelectCTECriteriaBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for cte criteria queries.
selectNew(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilder
selectNew(ObjectBuilder<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilder
selectNew(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Starts a SelectObjectBuilder for the given class.
selectNew(Constructor<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Starts a SelectObjectBuilder for the given constructor.
selectNew(ObjectBuilder<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder
Applies the given object builder to this query.
selectNew(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
selectNew(ObjectBuilder<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
SelectObjectBuilder<T extends FullQueryBuilder<?,T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a select new select clause.
SelectRecursiveCTECriteriaBuilder<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for CTE criteria queries.
selectSimpleCase(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
selectSimpleCase(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Starts a SimpleCaseWhenBuilder with the given alias as select alias.
selectSubqueries(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for a new select item with the given select alias.
selectSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
selectSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
selectSubquery(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the select item with the given alias.
selectSubquery(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for a new select item with the given select alias.
selectSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
selectSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
selectSubquery(String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the select item with the given alias.
selectSubquery(String, String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for a new select item with the given select alias.
selectSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectBuilder
ServiceProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Provides access to various services.
set(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseUpdateCriteriaBuilder
Binds the given value as parameter to the attribute.
set(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseUpdateCriteriaBuilder
Starts a subquery builder for creating an expression that should be bound to the attribute.
set(String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseUpdateCriteriaBuilder
Starts a subquery builder for creating an expression that should be bound to the attribute based on the given criteria builder.
setExpression(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseUpdateCriteriaBuilder
Binds the given expression to the attribute.
setFirstResult(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.LimitBuilder
Set the position of the first result to retrieve.
setMaxResults(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.LimitBuilder
Set the maximum number of results to retrieve.
setMaxRows(Integer, Integer, PreparedStatement) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Use JDBC API to limit the number of rows returned by the SQL query.
SetOperationBuilder<X,Y extends StartOngoingSetOperationBuilder<?,?,?>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
SetOperationType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
The possible set operation types.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Sets the given value as the value for the parameter with the given name.
setParameter(String, Calendar, TemporalType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Sets the given Calendar value as the value for the parameter with the given name.
setParameter(String, Date, TemporalType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Sets the given Date value as the value for the parameter with the given name.
setParameterType(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ParameterHolder
Updates the type of the parameter with the given name.
setProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CommonQueryBuilder
Overwrites the properties with the given set of properties.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Replace the properties of the configuration with the given properties.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CommonQueryBuilder
Sets a configuration property with the given propertyName to the given propertyValue.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.CriteriaBuilderConfiguration
Set a property value by name.
setSubqueries(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseUpdateCriteriaBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator with the given expression that should bound to the attribute.
simpleCase(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a SimpleCaseWhenBuilder for building a simple case when expression.
SimpleCaseWhenBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for simple case when expressions.
SimpleCaseWhenStarterBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The first builder for simple case when expressions.
SimpleReturningBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for the returning clause.
start(FunctionRenderContext) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.TemplateRenderer
Starts a new context for the given FunctionRenderContext for building parameter bindings.
startExcept() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the except operator with subquery following after this call.
startExceptAll() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the except all operator with subquery following after this call.
startIntersect() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the intersect operator with subquery following after this call.
startIntersectAll() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the intersect all operator with subquery following after this call.
StartOngoingSetOperationBuilder<X,Y,Z extends StartOngoingSetOperationBuilder<?,?,?>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
StartOngoingSetOperationCriteriaBuilder<X,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
StartOngoingSetOperationCTECriteriaBuilder<X,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
StartOngoingSetOperationSubqueryBuilder<X,Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support set operators.
startSet(EntityManager, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Starts a criteria builder with a nested set operation builder.
startSet() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.StartOngoingSetOperationBuilder
Starts a nested set operation builder.
startSet() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SubqueryInitiator
Starts a nested set operation builder which is used as subquery.
startUnion() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the union operator with subquery following after this call.
startUnionAll() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the union all operator with subquery following after this call.
subqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator that uses the given expression as right hand side for the binary predicate.
SubqueryBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for subquery criteria queries.
SubqueryInitiator<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface used to create subquery builders.
supportsAdvancedSql() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ExtendedQuerySupport
Returns whether the JPA provider supports advanced sql queries that need every method of this interface to work properly.
supportsCollectionTableCleanupOnDelete() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates whether the provider clears collection table entries on bulk delete operations.
supportsCollectionValueDereference() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether dereferencing a VALUE function expression is supported by the JPA provider.
supportsComplexGroupBy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports complex expressions like subqueries or parameters as group by elements, false otherwise.
supportsComplexJoinOn() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports complex expressions like subqueries in the join on clause, false otherwise.
supportsCountStar() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether the COUNT(*) syntax is supported.
supportsEntityJoin() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether Entity Joins are supported.
supportsExcept(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports the set operation EXCEPT, false otherwise.
supportsForeignAssociationInOnClause() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates if the provider supports the use of foreign associations in the ON clause.
supportsFullRowValueComparison() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports all <, <=, >, >=, =, <> comparison operations for row values.
supportsGroupByExpressionInHavingMatching() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports matching non-trivial expressions that appear in the group by clause with usages in the having clause.
supportsInsertStatement() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether Insert statements are supported.
supportsIntersect(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports the set operation INTERSECT, false otherwise.
supportsJoinsInRecursiveCte() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports joins in the recursive part of a CTE, false otherwise.
supportsJoinTableCleanupOnDelete() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates whether the provider clears join table entries on bulk delete operations.
supportsJpa21() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether JPA 2.1 specification is supported.
supportsLimit() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Returns whether the dbms supports LIMIT via SQL.
supportsLimitOffset() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsLimitHandler
Returns whether the dbms supports OFFSET via SQL.
supportsModificationQueryInWithClause() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports modification queries in the with clause, false otherwise.
supportsNonRecursiveWithClause() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports the non-recursive with clause, false otherwise.
supportsNullPrecedenceExpression() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether the query language supports the null precedence clause.
supportsReturningAllGeneratedKeys() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports returning all generated keys, false otherwise.
supportsReturningColumns() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports returning columns from a modified row, false otherwise.
supportsReturningGeneratedKeys() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports returning generated keys, false otherwise.
supportsRootTreat() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether treating a from/root alias is supported.
supportsRootTreatJoin() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether a root treat in a join is supported.
supportsRootTreatTreatJoin() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether a root treat in a treat join is supported.
supportsRowValueConstructor() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports row value constructor syntax, false otherwise.
supportsSingleValuedAssociationIdExpressions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates if the provider supports expressions like without generating an extra join.
supportsSubtypePropertyResolving() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether properties accessed of a from node are implicitly resolved to properties of a subtype of the from node.
supportsSubtypeRelationResolving() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether relations of a from node in joins are implicitly resolved to the relations of a subtype of the from node.
supportsTransientEntityAsParameter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates if the provider supports the use of transient entity objects as parameters.
supportsTreatCorrelation() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether a correlation path with a treat expression is supported.
supportsTreatJoin() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Whether a treat join is supported.
supportsUnion(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports the set operation UNION, false otherwise.
supportsUpdateSetEmbeddable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider
Indicates whether an embeddable can be set via an update queries SET clause.
supportsWithClause() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports the with clause, false otherwise.
supportsWithClauseHead() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports the with clause head for aliasing, false otherwise.
supportsWithClauseInModificationQuery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms supports the with clause in modification queries, false otherwise.


TemplateRenderer - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
A template renderer is a thread safe string renderer that can bind values to parameters.
TemplateRenderer(String) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.spi.TemplateRenderer
Creates a new template renderer from the given template.
TemplateRenderer.Context - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
A context for a template renderer that supports binding function arguments or plain strings as values for placeholders.
then(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenThenBuilder
Adds the constructed when expression with the then parameter value to the case when builder.
thenExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenThenBuilder
Adds the constructed when expression with the then expression to the case when builder.


union() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectRecursiveCTECriteriaBuilder
Finishes the CTE builder for the non-recursive part and starts the builder for the recursive part.
union() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the union operator with query following after this call.
unionAll() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectRecursiveCTECriteriaBuilder
Finishes the CTE builder for the non-recursive part and starts the builder for the recursive part.
unionAll() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SetOperationBuilder
Connects this query with the union all operator with query following after this call.
update(EntityManager, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Like CriteriaBuilderFactory.update(javax.persistence.EntityManager, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the update class returns.
update(EntityManager, Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new update criteria builder for the given entity class.
update(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Like ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory.update(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the update class returns.
update(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new update criteria builder for the given entity class.
updateCollection(EntityManager, Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Like CriteriaBuilderFactory.updateCollection(javax.persistence.EntityManager, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the delete owner class returns.
updateCollection(EntityManager, Class<T>, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new update criteria builder for the given entity class and collection name to update elements of the entity class's collection.
updateCollection(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Like CriteriaBuilderFactory.updateCollection(javax.persistence.EntityManager, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) but with the alias equivalent to the camel cased result of what Class.getSimpleName() of the delete owner class returns.
updateCollection(Class<T>, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilderFactory
Creates a new update criteria builder for the given entity class and collection name to update elements of the entity class's collection.
UpdateCriteriaBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
A builder for update queries.
usesExecuteUpdateWhenWithClauseInModificationQuery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsDialect
Returns true if the dbms wants to use the JDBC executeUpdate method when using the with clause in modification queries, false otherwise.


value(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BinaryPredicateBuilder
Uses the given value as right hand side for the binary predicate.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsModificationState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsStatementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider.ConstraintType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.SetOperationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ValuesStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsModificationState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.DbmsStatementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpaProvider.ConstraintType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.SetOperationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.spi.ValuesStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValuesStrategy - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.spi
Strategies for generating a VALUES table reference.


when(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder to create a when predicate where expression will be on the left hand side of the predicate.
when(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SimpleCaseWhenStarterBuilder
Adds the given when expression with the then expression to the case when builder.
whenAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a CaseWhenAndThenBuilder which is a predicate consisting only of conjunctive connected predicates.
whenExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
whenExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
whenNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
whenNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the when clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
whenOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a CaseWhenOrThenBuilder which is a predicate consisting only of disjunctiv connected predicates.
whenSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
whenSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
whenSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a when predicate.
whenSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
whenSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CaseWhenStarterBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a when predicate.
where(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a RestrictionBuilder for a where predicate with the given expression as left hand expression.
whereAnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.WhereOrBuilder
Starts a where and builder which connects it's predicates with the AND operator.
WhereAndBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a where predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
WhereBuilder<T extends WhereBuilder<T>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
An interface for builders that support filtering.
whereCase() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a CaseWhenBuilder for a where predicate.
whereExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the where clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
whereExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the where clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
whereExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.WhereBuilder
Sets the given expression as expression for the where clause.
whereExpressionSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.WhereBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for expression of the where clause.
whereNotExists() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts an not exists predicate for the where clause with a subquery on the right hand side.
whereNotExists(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts an exists predicate for the where clause with a subquery on the right hand side based on the given criteria builder.
whereOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.WhereAndBuilder
Starts a where or builder which connects it's predicates with the OR operator.
whereOr() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.WhereBuilder
Starts a WhereOrBuilder which is a predicate consisting only of disjunctiv connected predicates.
WhereOrBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence
The builder interface for a where predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
whereSimpleCase(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a SimpleCaseWhenBuilder for a where predicate.
whereSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a predicate.
whereSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a predicate.
whereSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the left hand side of a predicate.
whereSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a predicate.
whereSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.BaseWhereBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the left hand side of a predicate.
with(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CTEBuilder
Creates a builder for a CTE with the given CTE type.
with(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.KeysetBuilder
Uses the given value as reference value for keyset pagination for the given expression.
with(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.MultipleSubqueryInitiator
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the given subquery alias.
with(String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.MultipleSubqueryInitiator
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the given subquery alias.
with(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
with(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Adds the given expression to the arguments for the select new select clause.
with(int, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
with(int, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Adds the given expression at the given position to the arguments for the select new select clause.
withKeysetExtraction(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.PaginatedCriteriaBuilder
Enable or disables keyset extraction which influences whether PagedList.getKeysetPage() is available.
withRecursive(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CTEBuilder
Creates a builder for a recursive CTE with the given CTE type.
withReturning(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CTEBuilder
Creates a builder for a modification CTE with the given CTE type.
withStartSet(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.CTEBuilder
Creates a builder for a CTE with a nested set operation builder.
withSubqueries(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Starts a MultipleSubqueryInitiator for a new argument for the select new clause with the given select alias.
withSubqueries(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubqueries(int, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Like SelectObjectBuilder.withSubqueries(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but adds the resulting expression to the given position.
withSubqueries(int, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubquery(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Starts a subquery builder which allows the result of the specified subquery to be passed as argument to the select new clause.
withSubquery(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Starts a SubqueryInitiator for a new argument for the select new clause with the given select alias.
withSubquery(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubquery(FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubquery(String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder which allows the result of the specified subquery to be passed as argument to the select new clause.
withSubquery(String, String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for a new argument for the select new clause with the given select alias.
withSubquery(String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubquery(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubquery(int, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Like SelectObjectBuilder.withSubquery(java.lang.String) but adds the resulting subquery expression to the given position.
withSubquery(int, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Like SelectObjectBuilder.withSubquery(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but adds the resulting subquery expression to the given position.
withSubquery(int, String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Like SelectObjectBuilder.withSubquery(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) but adds the resulting subquery expression to the given position.
withSubquery(int, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
withSubquery(int, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Like SelectObjectBuilder.withSubquery(java.lang.String,FullQueryBuilder) but adds the resulting subquery expression to the given position.
withSubquery(int, String, String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Like SelectObjectBuilder.withSubquery(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,FullQueryBuilder) but adds the resulting subquery expression to the given position.
withSubquery(int, String, String, FullQueryBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.SelectObjectBuilder
Like SelectObjectBuilder.withSubquery(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,FullQueryBuilder) but adds the resulting subquery expression to the given position.
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