Interface BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X extends BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X>>

Type Parameters:
T - The entity type for which this update query is
X - The concrete builder type
All Superinterfaces:
BaseHavingBuilder<X>, BaseModificationCriteriaBuilder<X>, BaseWhereBuilder<X>, DistinctBuilder<X>, FromBaseBuilder<X>, FromBuilder<X>, FromProvider, GroupByBuilder<X>, HavingBuilder<X>, KeysetQueryBuilder<X>, LimitBuilder<X>, OrderByBuilder<X>, WhereBuilder<X>
All Known Subinterfaces:
InsertCriteriaBuilder<T>, ReturningInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X>

public interface BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X extends BaseInsertCriteriaBuilder<T,X>> extends BaseModificationCriteriaBuilder<X>, FromBuilder<X>, KeysetQueryBuilder<X>, OrderByBuilder<X>, GroupByBuilder<X>, DistinctBuilder<X>, LimitBuilder<X>
A base builder for insert queries.
Christian Beikov
  • Method Details

    • bind

      X bind(String attribute, Object value)
      Binds the given value as parameter to the attribute.
      attribute - The attribute for which the value should be bound
      value - The value that should be bound
      The query builder for chaining calls
    • bind

      SelectBuilder<X> bind(String attribute)
      Starts a select builder for creating an expression that should be bound to the attribute.
      attribute - The attribute for which the select expression should be bound
      The query builder for chaining calls