Interface QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The builder type that is returned on terminal operations
All Superinterfaces:
BinaryPredicateBuilder<T>, FromBaseBuilder<SubqueryBuilder<T>>, SubqueryInitiator<T>

public interface QuantifiableBinaryPredicateBuilder<T> extends BinaryPredicateBuilder<T>, SubqueryInitiator<T>
The interface for quantifiable binary predicate builders. The left hand side and the operator are already known to the builder and the methods of this builder either terminate the building process or start a SubqueryInitiator.
Christian Beikov
  • Method Details

    • all

      Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ALL quantor. When the builder finishes, the predicate is added to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
      The subquery initiator for building a subquery
    • any

      Starts a SubqueryInitiator for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ANY quantor. When the builder finishes, the predicate is added to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
      The subquery initiator for building a subquery
    • all

      SubqueryBuilder<T> all(FullQueryBuilder<?,?> criteriaBuilder)
      Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ALL quantor. When the builder finishes, the predicate is added to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
      criteriaBuilder - The criteria builder to base the subquery on
      The subquery builder for building a subquery
    • any

      SubqueryBuilder<T> any(FullQueryBuilder<?,?> criteriaBuilder)
      Starts a SubqueryBuilder based on the given criteria builder for the right hand side of a predicate that uses the ANY quantor. When the builder finishes, the predicate is added to the parent predicate container represented by the type T.
      criteriaBuilder - The criteria builder to base the subquery on
      The subquery builder for building a subquery