
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Async[F[_]] = Async[F]
type Backpressure[F[_]] = Backpressure[F]
type CERandom[F[_]] = Random[F]
type Clock[F[_]] = Clock[F]
type Concurrent[F[_]] = Concurrent[F]
type Console[F[_]] = Console[F]
type CountDownLatch[F[_]] = CountDownLatch[F]
type CyclicBarrier[F[_]] = CyclicBarrier[F]
type Deferred[F[_], A] = Deferred[F, A]
type DeferredSink[F[_], A] = DeferredSink[F, A]
type Dequeue[F[_], A] = Dequeue[F, A]
type DequeueSink[F[_], A] = DequeueSink[F, A]
type DequeueSource[F[_], A] = DequeueSource[F, A]
type Dispatcher[F[_]] = Dispatcher[F]
type ExitCode = ExitCode
type Fiber[F[_], E, A] = Fiber[F, E, A]
type FiberIO[A] = Fiber[IO, Throwable, A]
type GenConcurrent[F[_], E] = GenConcurrent[F, E]
type GenSpawn[F[_], E] = GenSpawn[F, E]
type GenTemporal[F[_], E] = GenTemporal[F, E]
type Hotswap[F[_], R] = Hotswap[F, R]
type IO[+A] = IO[A]
type IOApp = IOApp
type LiftIO[F[_]] = LiftIO[F]
type MonadCancel[F[_], E] = MonadCancel[F, E]
type MonadCancelThrow[F[_]] = MonadCancelThrow[F]
type Outcome[F[_], E, A] = Outcome[F, E, A]
type OutcomeIO[A] = Outcome[IO, Throwable, A]
type PQueue[F[_], A] = PQueue[F, A]
type PQueueSink[F[_], A] = PQueueSink[F, A]
type PQueueSource[F[_], A] = PQueueSource[F, A]
type ParallelF[F[_], A] = T[F, A]
type Poll[F[_]] = Poll[F]
type Queue[F[_], A] = Queue[F, A]
type QueueSink[F[_], A] = QueueSink[F, A]
type QueueSource[F[_], A] = QueueSource[F, A]
type Ref[F[_], A] = Ref[F, A]
type Resource[F[_], +A] = Resource[F, A]
type ResourceApp = ResourceApp
type ResourceIO[A] = Resource[IO, A]
type Semaphore[F[_]] = Semaphore[F]
type Spawn[F[_]] = Spawn[F]
type Supervisor[F[_]] = Supervisor[F]
type Sync[F[_]] = Sync[F]
type SyncIO[+A] = SyncIO[A]
type Temporal[F[_]] = Temporal[F]
type UUIDGen[F[_]] = UUIDGen[F]
type Unique[F[_]] = Unique[F]

Deprecated types

@deprecated("Bracket was removed from cats-effect 3, in pureharm we aliased it to MonadCancel, it\'s spiritual successor. Please use that instead", "0.5.0")
type Bracket[F[_], E] = MonadCancel[F, E]
@deprecated("BracketThrow was removed from cats-effect 3, in pureharm we aliased it to MonadCancel, it\'s spiritual successor. Please use that instead", "0.5.0")
type BracketThrow[F[_]] = MonadCancelThrow[F]

Value members

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Bracket was removed from cats-effect 3, in pureharm we aliased it to MonadCancel, it\'s spiritual successor. Please use that instead", "0.5.0")
def Bracket[F[_], E](implicit F: MonadCancel[F, E]): MonadCancel[F, E]
@deprecated("BracketThrow was removed from cats-effect 3, in pureharm we aliased it to MonadCancel, it\'s spiritual successor. Please use that instead", "0.5.0")
def BracketThrow[F[_]](implicit F: MonadCancelThrow[F]): MonadCancelThrow[F]

Concrete fields

val Async: Async
val Backpressure: Backpressure
val CERandom: Random
val Clock: Clock
val Concurrent: GenConcurrent
val Console: Console
val CountDownLatch: CountDownLatch
val CyclicBarrier: CyclicBarrier
val Deferred: Deferred
val DeferredSink: DeferredSink
val Dequeue: Dequeue
val DequeueSink: DequeueSink
val DequeueSource: DequeueSource
val Dispatcher: Dispatcher
val ExitCode: ExitCode
val GenConcurrent: GenConcurrent
val GenSpawn: GenSpawn
val GenTemporal: GenTemporal
val Hotswap: Hotswap
val IO: IO
val IOApp: IOApp
val LiftIO: LiftIO
val MonadCancel: MonadCancel
val MonadCancelThrow: MonadCancel
val Outcome: Outcome
val PQueue: PQueue
val PQueueSink: PQueueSink
val PQueueSource: PQueueSource
val ParallelF: ParallelF
val Queue: Queue
val QueueSink: QueueSink
val QueueSource: QueueSource
val Ref: Ref
val Resource: Resource
val ResourceApp: ResourceApp
val Semaphore: Semaphore
val Spawn: GenSpawn
val Supervisor: Supervisor
val Sync: Sync
val SyncIO: SyncIO
val Temporal: GenTemporal
val UUIDGen: UUIDGen
val Unique: Unique