Class AbstractClient<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractClient

        public AbstractClient()
    • Method Detail

      • getExecutor

        protected final ExecutorService getExecutor()
        Gets executor service for this client.
        executor service
        IllegalStateException - when the client is either closed or not initialized
      • getServer

        protected final ClickHouseNode getServer()
        Gets current server.
        current server
        IllegalStateException - when the client is either closed or not initialized
      • checkConnection

        protected boolean checkConnection​(T connection,
                                          ClickHouseNode requestServer,
                                          ClickHouseNode currentServer,
                                          ClickHouseRequest<?> request)
        Checks if the underlying connection can be reused. In general, new connection will be created when connection is null or requestServer is different from currentServer - the existing connection will be closed in the later case.
        connection - existing connection which may or may not be null
        requestServer - non-null requested server, returned from previous call of request.getServer()
        currentServer - current server, same as getServer()
        request - non-null request
        true if the connection should NOT be changed(e.g. requestServer is same as currentServer); false otherwise
      • newConnection

        protected abstract T newConnection​(T connection,
                                           ClickHouseNode server,
                                           ClickHouseRequest<?> request)
        Creates a new connection and optionally close existing connection. This method will be called from getConnection(ClickHouseRequest) as needed.
        connection - existing connection which may or may not be null
        server - non-null requested server, returned from previous call of request.getServer()
        request - non-null request
        new connection
        CompletionException - when error occured
      • closeConnection

        protected abstract void closeConnection​(T connection,
                                                boolean force)
        Closes a connection. This method will be called from close().
        connection - connection to close
        force - whether force to close the connection or not
      • getConnection

        protected final T getConnection​(ClickHouseRequest<?> request)
        Gets a connection according to the given request.
        request - non-null request
        non-null connection
        CompletionException - when error occured
      • init

        public void init​(ClickHouseConfig config)
        Description copied from interface: ClickHouseClient
        Initializes the client using immutable configuration extracted from the builder using ClickHouseClientBuilder.getConfig(). In general, it's ClickHouseClientBuilder's responsiblity to call this method to initialize the client at the end of However, sometimes, you may want to call this method explicitly in order to (re)initialize the client based on certain needs. If that's the case, please consider the environment when calling this method to avoid concurrent modification, and keep in mind that 1) ClickHouseConfig is immutable but ClickHouseClient is NOT; and 2) no guarantee that this method is thread-safe.
        Specified by:
        init in interface ClickHouseClient
        config - immutable configuration extracted from the builder