Class Facts.ExternalFacts

  • Enclosing class:

    public class Facts.ExternalFacts
    extends Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      long totalBlankCount
      totalBlankCount - The number of blank elements in the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
      long totalCount
      The total number of samples in the stream (typically -1 to indicate unknown).
      int totalMaxLength
      totalMaxLength - The maximum length for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
      String totalMaxValue
      totalMaxValue - The manimum value for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
      Double totalMean
      totalMean - The mean for Numeric types (Long, Double) across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
      int totalMinLength
      totalMinLength - The minimum length for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
      String totalMinValue
      totalMinValue - The minimum value for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
      long totalNullCount
      The number of null elements in the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
      Double totalStandardDeviation
      totalStandardDeviation - The standard deviation for Numeric types (Long, Double) across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • totalCount

        public long totalCount
        The total number of samples in the stream (typically -1 to indicate unknown).
      • totalNullCount

        public long totalNullCount
        The number of null elements in the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
      • totalBlankCount

        public long totalBlankCount
        totalBlankCount - The number of blank elements in the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
      • totalMean

        public Double totalMean
        totalMean - The mean for Numeric types (Long, Double) across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
      • totalStandardDeviation

        public Double totalStandardDeviation
        totalStandardDeviation - The standard deviation for Numeric types (Long, Double) across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
      • totalMinValue

        public String totalMinValue
        totalMinValue - The minimum value for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
      • totalMaxValue

        public String totalMaxValue
        totalMaxValue - The manimum value for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (null unless set explicitly).
      • totalMinLength

        public int totalMinLength
        totalMinLength - The minimum length for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
      • totalMaxLength

        public int totalMaxLength
        totalMaxLength - The maximum length for Numeric, Boolean, and String types across the entire data stream (-1 unless set explicitly).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExternalFacts

        public ExternalFacts()