Class Files

  • public abstract class Files
    extends Object
    This class represents the Cognite events api endpoint. It provides methods for reading and writing Event.
    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        protected static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
    • Constructor Detail

      • Files

        public Files()
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static Files of​(CogniteClient client)
        Constructs a new Files object using the provided client configuration. This method is intended for internal use--SDK clients should always use CogniteClient as the entry point to this class.
        client - The CogniteClient to use for configuration settings.
        the assets api object.
      • list

        public Iterator<List<FileMetadata>> list​(Request requestParameters)
                                          throws Exception
        Returns all FileMetadata objects that matches the filters set in the Request. The results are paged through / iterated over via an Iterator--the entire results set is not buffered in memory, but streamed in "pages" from the Cognite api. If you need to buffer the entire results set, then you have to stream these results into your own data structure. The assets are retrieved using multiple, parallel request streams towards the Cognite api. The number of parallel streams are set in the ClientConfig.
        requestParameters - the filters to use for retrieving the assets.
        an Iterator to page through the results set.
      • list

        public Iterator<List<FileMetadata>> list​(Request requestParameters,
                                                 String... partitions)
                                          throws Exception
        Returns all Event objects that matches the filters set in the Request for the specified partitions. This is method is intended for advanced use cases where you need direct control over the individual partitions. For example, when using the SDK in a distributed computing environment. The results are paged through / iterated over via an Iterator--the entire results set is not buffered in memory, but streamed in "pages" from the Cognite api. If you need to buffer the entire results set, then you have to stream these results into your own data structure.
        requestParameters - the filters to use for retrieving the assets.
        partitions - the partitions to include.
        an Iterator to page through the results set.
      • retrieve

        public List<FileMetadata> retrieve​(List<Item> items)
                                    throws Exception
        Retrieve files by id.
        items - The item(s) externalId / id to retrieve.
        The retrieved file headers.
      • aggregate

        public Aggregate aggregate​(Request requestParameters)
                            throws Exception
        Performs an item aggregation request to Cognite Data Fusion. The default aggregation is a total item count based on the (optional) filters in the request. Multiple aggregation types are supported. Please refer to the Cognite API specification for more information on the possible settings.
        requestParameters - The filtering and aggregates specification
        The aggregation results.
        See Also:
        Cognite API v1 specification
      • upsert

        public List<FileMetadata> upsert​(List<FileMetadata> fileMetadataList)
                                  throws Exception
        Creates or updates a set of FileMetadata objects. If it is a new FileMetadata object (based on id / externalId, then it will be created. If an FileMetadata object already exists in Cognite Data Fusion, it will be updated. The update behavior is specified via the update mode in the ClientConfig settings.
        fileMetadataList - The file headers / metadata to upsert.
        The upserted file headers.
      • upload

        public List<FileMetadata> upload​(List<FileContainer> files)
                                  throws Exception
        Uploads a set of file headers and binaries to Cognite Data Fusion. The file binary can either be placed in-memory in the file container (as a byte string) or referenced (by URI) to a blob store.
        files - The files to upload.
        The file metadata / headers for the uploaded files.
      • upload

        public List<FileMetadata> upload​(@NotNull
                                         List<FileContainer> files,
                                         boolean deleteTempFile)
                                  throws Exception
        Uploads a set of file headers and binaries to Cognite Data Fusion. The file binary can either be placed in-memory in the file container (as a byte string) or referenced (by URI) to a blob store. In case you reference the file by URI, you can choose to automatically remove the file binary from the (URI referenced) blob store after a successful upload to Cognite Data Fusion. This can Be useful in situations where you perform large scala data transfers utilizing a temp backing store.
        files - The files to upload.
        deleteTempFile - Set to true to remove the URI binary after upload. Set to false to keep the URI binary.
        The file metadata / headers for the uploaded files.
      • download

        public List<FileContainer> download​(List<Item> files,
                                            Path downloadPath,
                                            boolean preferByteStream)
                                     throws Exception
        Downloads file binaries. Downloads a set of file binaries based on externalId / id in the Item list. The file binaries can be downloaded as files or byte streams. In case the file is very large (> 200MB) it has to be streamed directly to the file system (i.e. downloaded as a file). Both the file header / metadata and the file binary will be returned. The complete information is encapsulated int the FileContainer returned from this method. The FileContainer will host the file binary stream if you set preferByteStream to true and the file size is < 200 MB. If preferByteStream is set to false or the file size is > 200MB the file binary will be stored on disk and the FileContainer will return the URI reference to the binary. Supported destination file stores for the file binary: - Local (network) disk. Specify the temp path as file://<host>/<my-path>/. Examples: file://localhost/home/files/, file:///home/files/, file:///c:/temp/ - Google Cloud Storage. Specify the temp path as gs://<my-storage-bucket>/<my-path>/.
        files - The list of files to download.
        downloadPath - The URI to the download storage
        preferByteStream - Set to true to return byte streams when possible, set to false to always store binary as file.
        File containers with file headers and references/byte streams of the binary.
      • downloadToPath

        public List<FileContainer> downloadToPath​(List<Item> files,
                                                  Path downloadPath)
                                           throws Exception
        Downloads file binaries to a local / network path. Downloads a set of file binaries based on externalId / id in the Item list. Both the file header / metadata and the file binary will be returned. The complete information is encapsulated int the FileContainer returned from this method. The FileContainer will host the URI reference to the binary. Supported destination file stores for the file binary: - Local (network) disk. Specify the temp path as file://<host>/<my-path>/. Examples: file://localhost/home/files/, file:///home/files/, file:///c:/temp/ - Google Cloud Storage. Specify the temp path as gs://<my-storage-bucket>/<my-path>/.
        files - The list of files to download.
        downloadPath - The URI to the download storage
        File containers with file headers and references/byte streams of the binary.
      • downloadFileBinaries

        public List<FileBinary> downloadFileBinaries​(List<Item> fileItems,
                                                     URI tempStoragePath,
                                                     boolean forceTempStorage)
                                              throws Exception
        Downloads file binaries. This method is intended for advanced use cases, for example when using this SDK as a part of a distributed system. Downloads a set of file binaries based on externalId / id in the Item list. The file binaries can be downloaded as files or byte streams. In case the file is very large (> 200MB) it has to be streamed directly to the file system (to the temp storage area). Supported temp storage for the file binary: - Local (network) disk. Specify the temp path as file://<host>/<my-path>/. Examples: file://localhost/home/files/, file:///home/files/, file:///c:/temp/ - Google Cloud Storage. Specify the temp path as gs://<my-storage-bucket>/<my-path>/.
        fileItems - The list of files to download.
        tempStoragePath - The URI to the download storage. Set to null to only perform in-memory download.
        forceTempStorage - Set to true to always download the binary to temp storage
        The file binary.
      • delete

        public List<Item> delete​(List<Item> files)
                          throws Exception
        Deletes a set of files. The files to delete are identified via their externalId / id by submitting a list of Item.
        files - a list of Item representing the events (externalId / id) to be deleted
        The deleted events via Item
      • buildPartitionsList

        protected List<String> buildPartitionsList​(int noPartitions)
        Builds an array of partition specifications for parallel retrieval from the Cognite api. This specification is used as a parameter together with the filter / list endpoints. The number of partitions indicate the number of parallel read streams. Employ one partition specification per read stream.
        noPartitions - The total number of partitions
        a List of partition specifications
      • listJson

        protected Iterator<List<String>> listJson​(ResourceType resourceType,
                                                  Request requestParameters,
                                                  String... partitions)
                                           throws Exception
        Will return the results from a list / filter api endpoint. For example, the filter assets endpoint. The results are paged through / iterated over via an Iterator--the entire results set is not buffered in memory, but streamed in "pages" from the Cognite api. If you need to buffer the entire results set, then you have to stream these results into your own data structure. This method support parallel retrieval via a set of partition specifications. The specified partitions will be collected and merged together before being returned via the Iterator.
        resourceType - The resource type to query / filter / list. Ex. event, asset, time series.
        requestParameters - The query / filter specification. Follows the Cognite api request parameters.
        partitions - An optional set of partitions to read via.
        an Iterator over the results set.
      • listJson

        protected Iterator<List<String>> listJson​(ResourceType resourceType,
                                                  Request requestParameters,
                                                  String partitionKey,
                                                  String... partitions)
                                           throws Exception
        Will return the results from a list / filter api endpoint. For example, the filter assets endpoint. The results are paged through / iterated over via an Iterator--the entire results set is not buffered in memory, but streamed in "pages" from the Cognite api. If you need to buffer the entire results set, then you have to stream these results into your own data structure. This method support parallel retrieval via a set of partition specifications. The specified partitions will be collected and merged together before being returned via the Iterator.
        resourceType - The resource type to query / filter / list. Ex. event, asset, time series.
        requestParameters - The query / filter specification. Follows the Cognite api request parameters.
        partitionKey - The key to use for the partitions in the read request. For example partition or cursor.
        partitions - An optional set of partitions to read via.
        an Iterator over the results set.
      • retrieveJson

        protected List<String> retrieveJson​(ResourceType resourceType,
                                            Collection<Item> items)
                                     throws Exception
        Retrieve items by id.
        resourceType - The item resource type (Event, Asset, etc.) to retrieve.
        items - The item(s) externalId / id to retrieve.
        The items in Json representation.
      • aggregate

        protected Aggregate aggregate​(ResourceType resourceType,
                                      Request requestParameters)
                               throws Exception
        Performs an item aggregation request to Cognite Data Fusion. The default aggregation is a total item count based on the (optional) filters in the request. Some resource types, for example Event, supports multiple types of aggregation.
        resourceType - The resource type to perform aggregation of.
        requestParameters - The request containing filters.
        The aggregation result.
        See Also:
        Cognite API v1 specification
      • addAuthInfo

        protected Request addAuthInfo​(Request request)
                               throws Exception
        Adds the required authentication information into the request object. If the request object already have complete auth info nothing will be added. The following authentication schemes are supported: 1) API key. When using an api key, this service will look up the corresponding project/tenant to issue requests to.
        request - The request to enrich with auth information.
        The request parameters with auth info added to it.
      • parseItems

        protected List<Item> parseItems​(List<String> input)
                                 throws Exception
        Parses a list of item object in json representation to typed objects.
        input - the item list in Json string representation
        the parsed item objects
      • toRequestItems

        protected List<Map<String,​Object>> toRequestItems​(Collection<Item> itemList)
        Converts a list of Item to a request object structure (that can later be parsed to Json).
        itemList - The items to parse.
        The items in request item object form.
      • deDuplicate

        protected List<Item> deDuplicate​(Collection<Item> itemList)
        De-duplicates a collection of Item.
        itemList -
      • itemsHaveId

        protected boolean itemsHaveId​(Collection<Item> items)
        Returns true if all items contain either an externalId or id.
        items -
      • mapItemToId

        protected Map<String,​Item> mapItemToId​(Collection<Item> items)
        Maps all items to their externalId (primary) or id (secondary). If the id function does not return any identity, the item will be mapped to the empty string. Via the identity mapping, this function will also perform deduplication of the input items.
        items - the items to map to externalId / id.
        the Map with all items mapped to externalId / id.
      • parseString

        protected String parseString​(String itemJson,
                                     String fieldName)
        Try parsing the specified Json path as a String.
        itemJson - The Json string
        fieldName - The Json path to parse
        The Json path as a String.
      • parseName

        protected String parseName​(String json)
        Returns the name attribute value from a json input.
        json - the json to parse
        The name value