
class BackpressureThrottleBackend[F[_], +S](delegate: SttpBackend[F, S], queueOf1: Queue[F, Unit], delay: FiniteDuration)(implicit evidence$1: Temporal[F]) extends SttpBackend[F, S]

When 429 Too many requests or 503 Service Unavailable error is encountered, new requests are blocked for the specified duration

Value parameters:

must be a queue with one element already placed in the queue

trait SttpBackend[F, S]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def close(): F[Unit]
Definition Classes
override def responseMonad: MonadError[F]

A monad instance for the effect type used when returning responses. Allows writing wrapper backends, which map/flatMap over the return value of send.

A monad instance for the effect type used when returning responses. Allows writing wrapper backends, which map/flatMap over the return value of send.

Definition Classes
override def send[T, R >: S & Effect[F]](request: Request[T, R]): F[Response[T]]
Type parameters:

The capabilities required by the request. This must be a subset of the the capabilities supported by the backend (which always includes Effect[F]).

Definition Classes