package ip4s

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ip4s
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class AnySourceMulticastJoin[+A <: IpAddress](group: Multicast[A]) extends MulticastJoin[A] with Product with Serializable

    Multicast join to a group without a source filter.

  2. final class Cidr[+A <: IpAddress] extends Product with Serializable

    Classless Inter-Domain Routing address, which represents an IP address and its routing prefix.

  3. final class Hostname extends HostnamePlatform with Ordered[Hostname]

    RFC1123 compliant hostname.

    RFC1123 compliant hostname.

    A hostname contains one or more labels, where each label consists of letters A-Z, a-z, digits 0-9, or a dash. A label may not start or end in a dash and may not exceed 63 characters in length. Labels are separated by periods and the overall hostname must not exceed 253 characters in length.

  4. final class IDN extends Ordered[IDN]

    Internationalized domain name, as specified by RFC3490 and RFC5891.

    Internationalized domain name, as specified by RFC3490 and RFC5891.

    This type models internationalized hostnames. An IDN provides unicode labels, a unicode string form, and an ASCII hostname form.

    A well formed IDN consists of one or more labels separated by dots. Each label may contain unicode characters as long as the converted ASCII form meets the requirements of RFC1123 (e.g., 63 or fewer characters and no leading or trailing dash). A dot is represented as an ASCII period or one of the unicode dots: full stop, ideographic full stop, fullwidth full stop, halfwidth ideographic full stop.

    The toString method returns the IDN in the form in which it was constructed. Sometimes it is useful to normalize the IDN -- converting all dots to an ASCII period and converting all labels to lowercase.

    Note: equality and comparison of IDNs is case-sensitive. Consider comparing normalized toString values for a more lenient notion of equality.

  5. sealed abstract class IpAddress extends IpAddressPlatform with Ordered[IpAddress] with Serializable

    Immutable and safe representation of an IP address, either V4 or V6.

    Immutable and safe representation of an IP address, either V4 or V6.


    IpAddress instances are constructed in a few different ways: - via IpAddress(""), which parses a string representation of the IP and returns an Option[IpAddress] - via IpAddress.fromBytes(arr), which returns an IP address if the supplied array is either exactly 4 bytes or exactly 16 bytes - via literal syntax like ip"", which returns an IpAddress and fails to *compile* if the IP is invalid.

    Type Hierarchy

    There are two subtypes of IpAddress -- Ipv4Address and Ipv6Address. Each of these subtypes have a richer API than IpAddress and it is often useful to use those types directly, for example if your use case requires a V6 address. It is safe to pattern match on IpAddress to access Ipv4Address or Ipv6Address directly, or alternatively, you can use fold.

    JVM Specific API

    If using IpAddress on the JVM, you can call toInetAddress to convert the address to a, for use with networking libraries. This method does not exist on the Scala.js version.

  6. implicit final class IpLiteralSyntax extends AnyVal
  7. sealed trait IpVersion extends AnyRef
  8. final class Ipv4Address extends IpAddress with Ipv4AddressPlatform

    Representation of an IPv4 address that works on both the JVM and Scala.js.

  9. final class Ipv6Address extends IpAddress with Ipv6AddressPlatform

    Representation of an IPv6 address that works on both the JVM and Scala.js.

  10. sealed trait Multicast[+A <: IpAddress] extends Product with Serializable

    Witness that the wrapped address of type A is a multicast address.

    Witness that the wrapped address of type A is a multicast address.

    An instance of Multicast is typically created by either calling Multicast.apply or by using the asMulticast method on IpAddress.

  11. sealed abstract class MulticastJoin[+A <: IpAddress] extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a join of a multicast group.

    Represents a join of a multicast group.

    This is represented as an ADT consisting of two constructors, AnySourceMulticastJoin and SourceSpecificMulticastJoin. These constructors are provided as top level types to allow domain modeling where a specific join type is required. The address type is parameterized for a similar reason -- to allow domain modeling where a specific address type is required.

  12. final case class MulticastSocketAddress[J[+x <: IpAddress] <: MulticastJoin[x], +A <: IpAddress](join: J[A], port: Port) extends Product with Serializable

    A multicast join of the specified type and a port number.

    A multicast join of the specified type and a port number. Used to describe UDP join of a multicast group.

  13. final class Port extends Product with Serializable with Ordered[Port]

    TCP or UDP port number.

  14. final case class SocketAddress[+A <: IpAddress](ip: A, port: Port) extends SocketAddressPlatform[A] with Product with Serializable

    An IP address of the specified type and a port number.

    An IP address of the specified type and a port number. Used to describe the source or destination of a socket.

  15. sealed trait SourceSpecificMulticast[+A <: IpAddress] extends Multicast[A]

    Witnesses that the wrapped address of type A is a source specific multicast address.

    Witnesses that the wrapped address of type A is a source specific multicast address.

    An instance of SourceSpecificMulticast is typically created by either calling Multicast.apply or by using the asSourceSpecificMulticast method on IpAddress.

  16. final case class SourceSpecificMulticastJoin[+A <: IpAddress](source: A, group: SourceSpecificMulticast[A]) extends MulticastJoin[A] with Product with Serializable

    Multicast join to a group from the specified source.

Value Members

  1. object AnySourceMulticastJoin extends Serializable
  2. object Cidr extends Serializable
  3. object Hostname
  4. object IDN extends IDNCompanionPlatform
  5. object IpAddress extends IpAddressCompanionPlatform with Serializable
  6. object IpVersion
  7. object Ipv4Address extends Ipv4AddressCompanionPlatform with Serializable
  8. object Ipv6Address extends Ipv6AddressCompanionPlatform with Serializable
  9. object LiteralSyntaxMacros

    Macros that support literal string interpolators.

  10. object Multicast extends Serializable
  11. object MulticastJoin extends Serializable
  12. object MulticastSocketAddress extends Serializable
  13. object Port extends Serializable
  14. object SocketAddress extends SocketAddressCompanionPlatform with Serializable
  15. object SourceSpecificMulticast extends Serializable
  16. object SourceSpecificMulticastJoin extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
