Class ByProjectKeyCustomObjectsPost

All Implemented Interfaces:
Deprecatable201Trait<ByProjectKeyCustomObjectsPost>, ErrorableTrait<ByProjectKeyCustomObjectsPost>, ExpandableTrait<ByProjectKeyCustomObjectsPost>, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ClientRequestCommand<CustomObject>, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.RequestCommand<CustomObject>

If an object with the given container/key exists, the object will be replaced with the new value and the version is incremented. If the request contains a version and an object with the given container/key, then the version must match the version of the existing object. Concurrent updates to the same Custom Object returns a ConcurrentModification error even if the version is not provided.

Fields with null values will not be saved.

   CompletableFuture<ApiHttpResponse<com.commercetools.api.models.custom_object.CustomObject>> result = apiRoot