Interface PriceTier

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PriceTier

A Price tier is selected instead of the default Price when a certain quantity of the ProductVariant is added to a Cart and ordered. For example: the Price can be lower if more than 10 items are ordered. If no Price tier is found for the Order quantity, the base Price is used. A Price tier is applied for the entire quantity of a Product Variant put as LineItem in a Cart as soon as the minimum quantity for the Price tier is reached. The Price tier is applied per Line Item of the Product Variant. If, for example, the same Product Variant appears in the same Cart as several Line Items, (what can be achieved by different values of a Custom Field on the Line Items) for each Line Item the minimum quantity must be reached to get the Price tier.

Example to create an instance using the builder pattern

     PriceTier priceTier = PriceTier.builder()
             .value(valueBuilder -> valueBuilder)
  • Method Details

    • getMinimumQuantity

      @NotNull @NotNull Long getMinimumQuantity()

      Minimum quantity this Price tier is valid for.

      The minimum quantity is always greater than or equal to 2. The base Price is interpreted as valid for a minimum quantity equal to 1. A Price or StandalonePrice cannot contain more than one tier with the same minimumQuantity.

    • getValue

      @NotNull @Valid @NotNull @Valid TypedMoney getValue()

      Money value that applies when the minimumQuantity is greater than or equal to the LineItem quantity.

      The currencyCode of a Price tier is always the same as the currencyCode in the value of the related Price.

    • setMinimumQuantity

      void setMinimumQuantity(Long minimumQuantity)

      Minimum quantity this Price tier is valid for.

      The minimum quantity is always greater than or equal to 2. The base Price is interpreted as valid for a minimum quantity equal to 1. A Price or StandalonePrice cannot contain more than one tier with the same minimumQuantity.

      minimumQuantity - value to be set
    • setValue

      void setValue(TypedMoney value)

      Money value that applies when the minimumQuantity is greater than or equal to the LineItem quantity.

      The currencyCode of a Price tier is always the same as the currencyCode in the value of the related Price.

      value - value to be set
    • of

      static PriceTier of()
      factory method
      instance of PriceTier
    • of

      static PriceTier of(PriceTier template)
      factory method to create a shallow copy PriceTier
      template - instance to be copied
      copy instance
    • deepCopy

      factory method to create a deep copy of PriceTier
      template - instance to be copied
      copy instance
    • builder

      builder factory method for PriceTier
    • builder

      static PriceTierBuilder builder(PriceTier template)
      create builder for PriceTier instance
      template - instance with prefilled values for the builder
    • withPriceTier

      default <T> T withPriceTier(Function<PriceTier,T> helper)
      accessor map function
      Type Parameters:
      T - mapped type
      helper - function to map the object
      mapped value
    • typeReference

      static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<PriceTier> typeReference()
      gives a TypeReference for usage with Jackson DataBind