Interface StateSetTransitionsAction

All Superinterfaces:
ResourceUpdateAction<StateUpdateAction>, StateUpdateAction
All Known Implementing Classes:

Example to create an instance using the builder pattern

     StateSetTransitionsAction stateSetTransitionsAction = StateSetTransitionsAction.builder()
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getTransitions

      Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed.

      Possible transformations of the current State to other States of the same type (for example, Initial -> Shipped). When performing a transitionState update action and transitions is set, the currently referenced State must have a transition to the new State.

      If transitions is an empty list, it means the current State is a final State and no further transitions are allowed. If transitions is not set, the validation is turned off.

      When performing a transitionState update action, any other State of the same type can be transitioned to.

    • setTransitions

      Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed.

      Possible transformations of the current State to other States of the same type (for example, Initial -> Shipped). When performing a transitionState update action and transitions is set, the currently referenced State must have a transition to the new State.

      If transitions is an empty list, it means the current State is a final State and no further transitions are allowed. If transitions is not set, the validation is turned off.

      When performing a transitionState update action, any other State of the same type can be transitioned to.

      transitions - values to be set
    • setTransitions

      Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed.

      Possible transformations of the current State to other States of the same type (for example, Initial -> Shipped). When performing a transitionState update action and transitions is set, the currently referenced State must have a transition to the new State.

      If transitions is an empty list, it means the current State is a final State and no further transitions are allowed. If transitions is not set, the validation is turned off.

      When performing a transitionState update action, any other State of the same type can be transitioned to.

      transitions - values to be set
    • of

      factory method
      instance of StateSetTransitionsAction
    • of

      factory method to create a shallow copy StateSetTransitionsAction
      template - instance to be copied
      copy instance
    • deepCopy

      factory method to create a deep copy of StateSetTransitionsAction
      template - instance to be copied
      copy instance
    • builder

      builder factory method for StateSetTransitionsAction
    • builder

      create builder for StateSetTransitionsAction instance
      template - instance with prefilled values for the builder
    • withStateSetTransitionsAction

      accessor map function
      Type Parameters:
      T - mapped type
      helper - function to map the object
      mapped value
    • typeReference

      static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<StateSetTransitionsAction> typeReference()
      gives a TypeReference for usage with Jackson DataBind