Interface StateSetTransitionsAction

All Superinterfaces:
ResourceUpdateAction<StateUpdateAction>, StateUpdateAction
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StateSetTransitionsAction extends StateUpdateAction
Example to create an instance using the builder pattern

     StateSetTransitionsAction stateSetTransitionsAction = StateSetTransitionsAction.builder()
  • Field Details


      static final String SET_TRANSITIONS
      discriminator value for StateSetTransitionsAction
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getTransitions

      @Valid @Valid List<StateResourceIdentifier> getTransitions()

      Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed.

      Possible transformations of the current State to other States of the same type (for example, Initial -> Shipped). When performing a transitionState update action and transitions is set, the currently referenced State must have a transition to the new State.

      If transitions is an empty list, it means the current State is a final State and no further transitions are allowed. If transitions is not set, the validation is turned off.

      When performing a transitionState update action, any other State of the same type can be transitioned to.

    • setTransitions

      void setTransitions(StateResourceIdentifier... transitions)

      Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed.

      Possible transformations of the current State to other States of the same type (for example, Initial -> Shipped). When performing a transitionState update action and transitions is set, the currently referenced State must have a transition to the new State.

      If transitions is an empty list, it means the current State is a final State and no further transitions are allowed. If transitions is not set, the validation is turned off.

      When performing a transitionState update action, any other State of the same type can be transitioned to.

      transitions - values to be set
    • setTransitions

      void setTransitions(List<StateResourceIdentifier> transitions)

      Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed.

      Possible transformations of the current State to other States of the same type (for example, Initial -> Shipped). When performing a transitionState update action and transitions is set, the currently referenced State must have a transition to the new State.

      If transitions is an empty list, it means the current State is a final State and no further transitions are allowed. If transitions is not set, the validation is turned off.

      When performing a transitionState update action, any other State of the same type can be transitioned to.

      transitions - values to be set
    • of

      factory method
      instance of StateSetTransitionsAction
    • of

      factory method to create a shallow copy StateSetTransitionsAction
      template - instance to be copied
      copy instance
    • deepCopy

      factory method to create a deep copy of StateSetTransitionsAction
      template - instance to be copied
      copy instance
    • builder

      builder factory method for StateSetTransitionsAction
    • builder

      create builder for StateSetTransitionsAction instance
      template - instance with prefilled values for the builder
    • withStateSetTransitionsAction

      default <T> T withStateSetTransitionsAction(Function<StateSetTransitionsAction,T> helper)
      accessor map function
      Type Parameters:
      T - mapped type
      helper - function to map the object
      mapped value
    • typeReference

      static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<StateSetTransitionsAction> typeReference()
      gives a TypeReference for usage with Jackson DataBind