Class BaseSync<ResourceT extends com.commercetools.api.models.common.BaseResource,​ResourceDraftT,​ResourceUpdateActionT extends com.commercetools.api.models.ResourceUpdateAction<ResourceUpdateActionT>,​SyncStatisticsT extends BaseSyncStatistics<SyncStatisticsT>,​SyncOptionsT extends BaseSyncOptions<ResourceT,​ResourceDraftT,​ResourceUpdateActionT>>

    • Method Detail

      • process

        protected abstract java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> process​(@Nonnull
                                                                                         java.util.List<ResourceDraftT> resourceDrafts)
        Given a list of resource (e.g. categories, products, etc..) drafts. This method compares each new resource in this list with it's corresponding old resource in a given CTP project, and in turn it either issues update actions on the existing resource if it exists or create it if it doesn't.
        resourceDrafts - the list of new resources as drafts.
        an instance of CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> which contains as a result an instance of SyncStatisticsT which is a subclass of BaseSyncStatistics representing the statistics instance attribute of this BaseSync.
      • sync

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> sync​(@Nonnull
                                                                          java.util.List<ResourceDraftT> resourceDrafts)
        Given a list of resource (e.g. categories, products, etc..) drafts. This method compares each new resource in this list with it's corresponding old resource in a given CTP project, and in turn it either issues update actions on the existing resource if it exists or create it if it doesn't.

        The time before and after the actual sync process starts is recorded in the BaseSyncStatistics container so that the total processing time is computed in the statistics.

        resourceDrafts - the list of new resources as drafts.
        an instance of CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> which contains as a result an instance of SyncStatisticsT which is a subclass of BaseSyncStatistics representing the statistics instance attribute of this BaseSync.
      • getStatistics

        public SyncStatisticsT getStatistics()
        Returns an instance of type U which is a subclass of BaseSyncStatistics containing all the stats of the sync process; which includes a report message, the total number of update, created, failed, processed resources and the processing time of the sync in different time units and in a human readable format.
        a statistics object for the sync process.
      • syncBatches

        protected java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> syncBatches​(@Nonnull
                                                                                    java.util.List<java.util.List<ResourceDraftT>> batches,
                                                                                    java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> result)
        Given a list of resource (e.g. categories, products, etc.. batches represented by a List<List> of resources, this method recursively calls processBatch(List) on each batch, then removes it, until there are no more batches, in other words, all batches have been synced.
        batches - the batches of resources to sync.
        result - in the first call of this recursive method, this result is normally a completed future, it used from within the method to recursively sync each batch once the previous batch has finished syncing.
        an instance of CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> which contains as a result an instance of BaseSyncStatistics representing the statistics of the sync process executed on the given list of batches.
      • processBatch

        protected abstract java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<SyncStatisticsT> processBatch​(@Nonnull
                                                                                              java.util.List<ResourceDraftT> batch)
      • executeSupplierIfConcurrentModificationException

        protected static <ResultT> ResultT executeSupplierIfConcurrentModificationException​(@Nonnull
                                                                                            java.lang.Throwable exception,
                                                                                            java.util.function.Supplier<ResultT> onConcurrentModificationSupplier,
                                                                                            java.util.function.Supplier<ResultT> onOtherExceptionSupplier)
        This method checks if the supplied exception is an instance of ConcurrentModificationException. If it is, then it executes the supplied onConcurrentModificationSupplier Supplier. Otherwise, if it is not an instance of a ConcurrentModificationException then it executes the other onOtherExceptionSupplier Supplier. Regardless, which supplier is executed the results of either is the result of this method.
        Type Parameters:
        ResultT - the type of the result of the suppliers and this method.
        exception - the commercetools exception to check if is ConcurrentModificationException.
        onConcurrentModificationSupplier - the supplier to execute if the exception is a ConcurrentModificationException.
        onOtherExceptionSupplier - the supplier to execute if the exception is not a ConcurrentModificationException.
        the result of the executed supplier.
      • handleError

        protected void handleError​(@Nonnull
                                   java.lang.String errorMessage,
                                   java.lang.Throwable exception,
                                   ResourceT oldResource,
                                   ResourceDraftT newResourceDraft,
                                   java.util.List<ResourceUpdateActionT> updateActions,
                                   int failedTimes)
        This method calls the optional error callback specified in the syncOptions and updates the statistics instance by incrementing the total number of failed resources S to sync.
        errorMessage - The error message describing the reason(s) of failure.
        exception - The exception that called caused the failure, if any.
        oldResource - the commercetools resource which could be updated.
        newResourceDraft - the commercetools resource draft where we get the new data.
        updateActions - the update actions to update the resource with.
        failedTimes - The number of times that the failed cart discount statistic counter is incremented.