Interface Authenticator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CertificateAuthenticator, PasswordAuthenticator

    public interface Authenticator
    The Authenticator encapsulates authentication strategies.

    Please only use the implementations of this class, since the actual interfaces are unstable, internal and may change at any time!

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void applyTlsProperties​( sslContextBuilder)
      The authenticator gets the chance to attach the client certificate to the ssl context if needed.
      default void authHttpRequest​(ServiceType serviceType, request)
      Allows to add authentication credentials to the http request for the given service.
      default void authKeyValueConnection​(EndpointContext endpointContext, pipeline)
      Allows the authenticator to add KV handlers during connection bootstrap to perform authentication. protostellarCallCredentials()  
      default boolean supportsNonTls()
      If this authenticator supports non-encrypted connections.
      default boolean supportsTls()
      If this authenticator supports encrypted connections.
    • Method Detail

      • authKeyValueConnection

        default void authKeyValueConnection​(EndpointContext endpointContext,
        Allows the authenticator to add KV handlers during connection bootstrap to perform authentication.
        endpointContext - the endpoint context.
        pipeline - the pipeline when the endpoint is constructed.
      • authHttpRequest

        default void authHttpRequest​(ServiceType serviceType,
        Allows to add authentication credentials to the http request for the given service.
        serviceType - the service for this request.
        request - the http request.
      • protostellarCallCredentials

        @Internal protostellarCallCredentials()
      • applyTlsProperties

        default void applyTlsProperties​( sslContextBuilder)
        The authenticator gets the chance to attach the client certificate to the ssl context if needed.
        sslContextBuilder - the netty context builder
      • supportsTls

        default boolean supportsTls()
        If this authenticator supports encrypted connections.
      • supportsNonTls

        default boolean supportsNonTls()
        If this authenticator supports non-encrypted connections.