Class TracingUtils

  • @Internal
    public class TracingUtils
    extends Object
    Contains various utils to set attributes for tracing spans.
    • Method Detail

      • setCommonDispatchSpanAttributes

        public static void setCommonDispatchSpanAttributes​(RequestSpan span,
                                                           String localId,
                                                           String localHost,
                                                           int localPort,
                                                           String remoteHost,
                                                           int remotePort,
                                                           String operationId)
        Sets common dispatch span attributes as per spec.
        span - the affected span.
        localId - the local socket ID.
        localHost - the local hostname or ip.
        localPort - the local port.
        remoteHost - the remote hostname or ip.
        remotePort - the remote port.
        operationId - the unique operation ID - can be null (then ignored).
      • setCommonKVSpanAttributes

        public static void setCommonKVSpanAttributes​(RequestSpan span,
                                                     KeyValueRequest<Response> request)
        Sets attributes that are usefully duplicated across multiple spans.
      • setNumericOperationId

        public static void setNumericOperationId​(RequestSpan span,
                                                 long operationId)
        Sets the operation ID as a numeric value.
        span - the span where it should be set.
        operationId - the numeric operation id.
      • setServerDurationAttribute

        public static void setServerDurationAttribute​(RequestSpan span,
                                                      long serverDuration)
        Sets the server duration attribute, if larger than 0 (will ignore it otherwise).
        span - the span where it should be set.
        serverDuration - the actual duration.