Interface KeyValueRequest<R extends Response>

    • Method Detail

      • partition

        short partition()
        Reads the currently set partition this request is targeted against.
      • partition

        void partition​(short partition)
        Allows to set the partition used for this request.
        partition - the partition to set.
      • encode encode​( alloc,
                                                                      int opaque,
                                                                      KeyValueChannelContext ctx)
        Encode this request with the given allocator and opaque.
        alloc - the allocator where to grab the buffers from.
        opaque - the opaque value to use.
        ctx - more encode context.
        the encoded request as a ByteBuf.
      • decode

        R decode​( response,
                 KeyValueChannelContext ctx)
        Decode the encoded response into its message representation.
        response - the response to decode.
        the decoded response as the generic type R.
      • key

        byte[] key()
        The key of the kv request.
        the key of the request.
      • opaque

        int opaque()
      • rejectedWithNotMyVbucket

        int rejectedWithNotMyVbucket()
        Returns the number of times this request has been rejected with a not my vbucket response before.
      • indicateRejectedWithNotMyVbucket

        void indicateRejectedWithNotMyVbucket()
        Increments the counter indicating that this request has been rejected with a not my vbucket response.
      • errorCode

        void errorCode​(ErrorMap.ErrorCode errorCode)
        Sets the error code on the request for debugging purposes.
        errorCode - the error code to set for the request.