Class UnlockRequest

    • Method Detail

      • encode

        public encode​( alloc,
                                                                             int opaque,
                                                                             KeyValueChannelContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: KeyValueRequest
        Encode this request with the given allocator and opaque.
        alloc - the allocator where to grab the buffers from.
        opaque - the opaque value to use.
        ctx - more encode context.
        the encoded request as a ByteBuf.
      • decode

        public UnlockResponse decode​( response,
                                     KeyValueChannelContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: KeyValueRequest
        Decode the encoded response into its message representation.
        response - the response to decode.
        the decoded response as the generic type R.
      • name

        public String name()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        The unique name of the request, usually related to the type but not necessarily.

        The default implementation is derived from the class name (i.e. FooRequest returns foo), but if that does not match up it should be overridden in the actual class.

        the name of the request type.