Class NanoTimestamp

    • Method Detail

      • now

        public static NanoTimestamp now()
        Returns a timestamp representing the current time.
      • never

        public static NanoTimestamp never()
        Returns a timestamp from ~146 years ago, for representing the time of events that have not occurred.
        See Also:
      • isNever

        public boolean isNever()
        Returns true if this timestamp was created by never(), otherwise false.
      • elapsed

        public Duration elapsed()
        Returns the time elapsed since this timestamp was created.

        NOTE: If this timestamp is never(), the returned value will be at least 146 years.

        See Also:
      • hasElapsed

        public boolean hasElapsed​(Duration d)
        Returns true if the time elapsed since this timestamp was created is greater than or equal to the given duration, otherwise false.

        If this timestamp is never(), this method returns true for all "reasonable" durations (less than ~146 years).

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object