Class RawJsonDocument

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Document<String>, Serializable

    public class RawJsonDocument
    extends AbstractDocument<String>
    implements Serializable
    Represents a Document that contains a already encoded JSON document. The RawJsonDocument can be used if a custom JSON library is already in place and the content should just be passed through and properly flagged as JSON on the server side. The only transcoding that is happening internally is the conversion into bytes from the provided JSON string.
    Michael Nitschinger
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static RawJsonDocument create​(String id,
                                             String content,
                                             long cas)
        Creates a RawJsonDocument which the document id, JSON content and the CAS value.
        id - the per-bucket unique document id.
        content - the content of the document.
        cas - the CAS (compare and swap) value for optimistic concurrency.
        a RawJsonDocument.
      • create

        public static RawJsonDocument create​(String id,
                                             int expiry,
                                             String content)
        Creates a RawJsonDocument which the document id, JSON content and the expiration time.
        id - the per-bucket unique document id.
        content - the content of the document.
        expiry - the expiration time of the document.
        a RawJsonDocument.
      • create

        public static RawJsonDocument create​(String id,
                                             int expiry,
                                             String content,
                                             long cas)
        Creates a RawJsonDocument which the document id, JSON content, CAS value, expiration time and status code. This factory method is normally only called within the client library when a response is analyzed and a document is returned which is enriched with the status code. It does not make sense to pre populate the status field from the user level code.
        id - the per-bucket unique document id.
        content - the content of the document.
        cas - the CAS (compare and swap) value for optimistic concurrency.
        expiry - the expiration time of the document.
        a RawJsonDocument.
      • create

        public static RawJsonDocument create​(String id,
                                             int expiry,
                                             String content,
                                             long cas,
                                             MutationToken mutationToken)
        Creates a RawJsonDocument which the document id, JSON content, CAS value, expiration time and status code. This factory method is normally only called within the client library when a response is analyzed and a document is returned which is enriched with the status code. It does not make sense to pre populate the status field from the user level code.
        id - the per-bucket unique document id.
        content - the content of the document.
        cas - the CAS (compare and swap) value for optimistic concurrency.
        expiry - the expiration time of the document.
        a RawJsonDocument.