Class SearchQuery

  • @Committed
    public class SearchQuery
    extends Object
    The FTS API entry point. Describes an FTS query entirely (index, query body and parameters) and can be used at the Bucket level to perform said query. Also has factory methods for all types of fts queries (as in the various types a query body can have: term, match, conjunction, ...).
    Simon Baslé, Michael Nitschinger
    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchQuery

        public SearchQuery​(String indexName,
                           AbstractFtsQuery queryPart)
        Prepare an FTS SearchQuery on an index. Top level query parameters can be set after that by using the fluent API.
        indexName - the FTS index to search in.
        queryPart - the body of the FTS query (eg. a match phrase query).
    • Method Detail

      • indexName

        public String indexName()
        the name of the index targeted by this query.
      • injectParams

        public void injectParams​(JsonObject queryJson)
        Inject the top level parameters of a query into a prepared JsonObject that represents the root of the query.
        queryJson - the prepared JsonObject for the whole query.
      • limit

        public SearchQuery limit​(int limit)
        Add a limit to the query on the number of hits it can return.
        limit - the maximum number of hits to return.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • skip

        public SearchQuery skip​(int skip)
        Set the number of hits to skip (eg. for pagination).
        skip - the number of results to skip.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • explain

        public SearchQuery explain()
        Activates the explanation of each result hit in the response.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • explain

        public SearchQuery explain​(boolean explain)
        Activates or deactivates the explanation of each result hit in the response, according to the parameter.
        explain - should the response include an explanation of each hit (true) or not (false)?
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • highlight

        public SearchQuery highlight​(HighlightStyle style,
                                     String... fields)
        Configures the highlighting of matches in the response. This drives the inclusion of the fragments in each hit. Note that to be highlighted, the fields must be stored in the FTS index.
        style - the HighlightStyle to apply.
        fields - the optional fields on which to highlight. If none, all fields where there is a match are highlighted.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • highlight

        public SearchQuery highlight​(String... fields)
        Configures the highlighting of matches in the response, for the specified fields and using the server's default highlighting style. This drives the inclusion of the fragments in each hit. Note that to be highlighted, the fields must be stored in the FTS index.
        fields - the optional fields on which to highlight. If none, all fields where there is a match are highlighted.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • highlight

        public SearchQuery highlight()
        Configures the highlighting of matches in the response for all fields, using the server's default highlighting style. This drives the inclusion of the fragments in each hit. Note that to be highlighted, the fields must be stored in the FTS index.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • fields

        public SearchQuery fields​(String... fields)
        Configures the list of fields for which the whole value should be included in the response. If empty, no field values are included. This drives the inclusion of the fields in each hit. Note that to be highlighted, the fields must be stored in the FTS index.
        fields -
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • sort

        public SearchQuery sort​(Object... sort)
        Configures the list of fields (including special fields) which are used for sorting purposes. If empty, the default sorting (descending by score) is used by the server. The list of sort fields can include actual fields (like "firstname" but then they must be stored in the index, configured in the server side mapping). Fields provided first are considered first and in a "tie" case the next sort field is considered. So sorting by "firstname" and then "lastname" will first sort ascending by the firstname and if the names are equal then sort ascending by lastname. Special fields like "_id" and "_score" can also be used. If prefixed with "-" the sort order is set to descending. If no sort is provided, it is equal to sort("-_score"), since the server will sort it by score in descending order.
        sort - the fields that should take part in the sorting.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • addFacet

        public SearchQuery addFacet​(String facetName,
                                    SearchFacet facet)
        Adds one SearchFacet to the query. This is an additive operation (the given facets are added to any facet previously requested), but if an existing facet has the same name it will be replaced. This drives the inclusion of the SearchQueryResult.facets() facets} in the SearchQueryResult. Note that to be faceted, a field's value must be stored in the FTS index.
        facetName - the name of the facet to add (or replace if one already exists with same name).
        facet - the facet to add.
      • serverSideTimeout

        public SearchQuery serverSideTimeout​(long timeout,
                                             TimeUnit unit)
        Sets the server side timeout. By default, the SDK will set this value to the configured searchTimeout from the environment.
        timeout - the server side timeout to apply.
        unit - the unit for the timeout.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • searchConsistency

        public SearchQuery searchConsistency​(SearchConsistency consistency)
        Sets the unparameterized consistency to consider for this FTS query. This replaces any consistency tuning previously set.
        consistency - the simple consistency to use.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • consistentWith

        public SearchQuery consistentWith​(Document... docs)
        Sets the consistency to consider for this FTS query to AT_PLUS and uses the mutation information from the given documents to parameterize the consistency. This replaces any consistency tuning previously set.
        docs - one or mode Document to get mutation state information from.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • consistentWith

        public SearchQuery consistentWith​(DocumentFragment... fragments)
        Sets the consistency to consider for this FTS query to AT_PLUS and uses the mutation information from the given document fragments to parameterize the consistency. This replaces any consistency tuning previously set.
        fragments - one or mode DocumentFragment to get mutation state information from.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • consistentWith

        public SearchQuery consistentWith​(MutationState mutationState)
        Sets the consistency to consider for this FTS query to AT_PLUS and uses the MutationState directly to parameterize the consistency. This replaces any consistency tuning previously set.
        mutationState - the MutationState information to work with.
        this SearchQuery for chaining.
      • getLimit

        public Integer getLimit()
        the value of the limit(int) parameter, or null if it was not set.
      • getSkip

        public Integer getSkip()
        the value of the skip(int) parameter, or null if it was not set.
      • getHighlightFields

        public String[] getHighlightFields()
        the value of the highlight fields parameter, or an empty array if it was not set.
      • getFields

        public String[] getFields()
        the value of the fields(String...) parameter, or an empty array if it was not set.
      • geoBoundingBox

        public static GeoBoundingBoxQuery geoBoundingBox​(double topLeftLon,
                                                         double topLeftLat,
                                                         double bottomRightLon,
                                                         double bottomRightLat)
        Prepare a GeoBoundingBoxQuery body.