Class SubdocOperationResult<OPERATION>


public class SubdocOperationResult<OPERATION>
extends Object
Internally represent result corresponding to a single LookupSpec or MutationSpec, as part of a DocumentFragment.
Simon Baslé
  • Method Details

    • createFatal

      public static <OPERATION> SubdocOperationResult<OPERATION> createFatal​(String path, OPERATION operation, RuntimeException fatal)
      Create a SubdocOperationResult that denotes that a fatal Exception occurred when parsing server-side result. The exception can be found as the value, and the status is ResponseStatus.FAILURE.
      path - the path looked up.
      operation - the type of the operation which result couldn't be parsed.
      fatal - the Exception that occurred during response parsing.
      the fatal LookupResult.
    • createResult

      public static <OPERATION> SubdocOperationResult<OPERATION> createResult​(String path, OPERATION operation, ResponseStatus status, Object value)
      Create a SubdocOperationResult that corresponds to an operation that should return a content (including null) instead of throwing when calling DocumentFragment.content(String).
      path - the path looked up.
      operation - the type of operation.
      status - the status of the operation.
      value - the value of the operation if applicable, null otherwise.
      the operation result.
    • createResult

      public static <OPERATION> SubdocOperationResult<OPERATION> createResult​(String path, OPERATION operation, ResponseStatus status, Object value, byte[] rawValue)
      Create a SubdocOperationResult that corresponds to an operation that should return a content (including null) instead of throwing when calling DocumentFragment.content(String). Additionally, the result can also contain a raw byte representation of the same content in serialized form.
      path - the path looked up.
      operation - the type of operation.
      status - the status of the operation.
      value - the value of the operation if applicable, null otherwise.
      rawValue - the raw byte value of the operation if applicable, null otherwise.
      the operation result.
    • createError

      public static <OPERATION> SubdocOperationResult<OPERATION> createError​(String path, OPERATION operation, ResponseStatus status, CouchbaseException exception)
      Create a SubdocOperationResult that correspond to a subdoc-level error, to be thrown by the enclosing DocumentFragment when calling content methods.
      path - the path looked up.
      operation - the type of operation.
      status - the status of the operation.
      exception - the exception to throw when trying to access the operation content.
      the operation result.
    • path

      public String path()
      the path that was looked up.
    • operation

      public OPERATION operation()
      the exact kind of lookup that was performed.
    • status

      public ResponseStatus status()
      the status of the lookup.
    • exists

      public boolean exists()
      true if the value existed (and might have associated value), false otherwise.
    • value

      public Object value()
      Returns: - the value retrieved by a successful GET. - null for an unsuccessful GET (see the status() for details). - true/false for an EXIST (equivalent to exists()). - a RuntimeException if the client side parsing of the result failed (isFatal()).
      the value
    • rawValue

      public byte[] rawValue()
      Returns the serialized form of the value of a successful GET, as an array of bytes, or null for any other case, including when the raw value isn't relevant.
      the serialized raw value, if available.
    • isFatal

      public boolean isFatal()
      true if there was a fatal error while processing the result on the client side, in which case value() returns an RuntimeException.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object