Class ClusterApiClient

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterApiClient

        public ClusterApiClient​(String username,
                                String password,
                                ClusterFacade core,
                                long defaultTimeout,
                                TimeUnit defaultTimeUnit)
        Build a new ClusterApiClient to work with a given ClusterFacade.
        username - the login to use for REST api calls (eg. administrative username).
        password - the password associated with the username.
        core - the ClusterFacade through which to send requests.
        defaultTimeout - the default timeout duration to use when executing requests.
        defaultTimeUnit - the time unit for the timeout.
    • Method Detail

      • defaultTimeout

        public long defaultTimeout()
        the default timeout duration used when executing requests that don't specify a timeout.
      • defaultTimeUnit

        public TimeUnit defaultTimeUnit()
        the default time unit used when executing requests that don't specify a timeout.