Class LookupInBuilder

  • @Committed
    public class LookupInBuilder
    extends Object
    A builder for subdocument lookups. In order to perform the final set of operations, use the execute() method. Operations are performed synchronously (see AsyncLookupInBuilder for an asynchronous version). Instances of this builder should be obtained through Bucket.lookupIn(String) rather than directly constructed.
    Simon Baslé
    • Method Detail

      • accessDeleted

        public LookupInBuilder accessDeleted​(boolean accessDeleted)
        Set accessDeleted to true, if the document has been deleted to access xattrs
        accessDeleted - true to access deleted document xattrs
      • execute

        public DocumentFragment<Lookup> execute()
        Perform several lookup operations inside a single existing JSON document, using the default key/value timeout. The list of path to look for inside the JSON is constructed through builder methods get(String...) and exists(String...). The subdocument API has the benefit of only transmitting the fragment of the document you work with on the wire, instead of the whole document. If multiple operations are specified, each spec will receive an answer, overall contained in a DocumentFragment, meaning that if sub-document level error conditions happen (like the path is malformed or doesn't exist), the whole operation still succeeds. If a single operation is specified, then any error other that a path not found will throw the corresponding SubDocumentException. Otherwise a DocumentFragment is returned. Calling DocumentFragment.content(String) or one of its variants on a failed spec/path will throw the corresponding SubDocumentException. For successful gets, it will return the value (or null in the case of a path not found, and only in this case). For exists, it will return true (or false for a path not found). To check for any error without throwing an exception, use DocumentFragment.status(String) (or its index-based variant). To check that a given path (or index) is valid for calling content() on it without raising an Exception, use DocumentFragment.exists(String). One special fatal error can also happen, when the value couldn't be decoded from JSON. In that case, the ResponseStatus for the path is ResponseStatus.FAILURE and the content(path) will throw a TranscodingException. This operation throws under the following notable error conditions: - The enclosing document does not exist: DocumentDoesNotExistException - The enclosing document is not JSON: DocumentNotJsonException - No lookup was defined through the builder API: IllegalArgumentException Other document-level error conditions are similar to those encountered during a document-level AsyncBucket.get(String).
        a single DocumentFragment representing the whole list of results (1 for each spec), unless a document-level error happened (in which case an exception is thrown).
      • execute

        public DocumentFragment<Lookup> execute​(long timeout,
                                                TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Perform several lookup operations inside a single existing JSON document, using a specific timeout. The list of path to look for inside the JSON is constructed through builder methods get(String...) and exists(String...). The subdocument API has the benefit of only transmitting the fragment of the document you work with on the wire, instead of the whole document. If multiple operations are specified, each spec will receive an answer, overall contained in a DocumentFragment, meaning that if sub-document level error conditions happen (like the path is malformed or doesn't exist), the whole operation still succeeds. If a single operation is specified, then any error other that a path not found will throw the corresponding SubDocumentException. Otherwise a DocumentFragment is returned. Calling DocumentFragment.content(String) or one of its variants on a failed spec/path will throw the corresponding SubDocumentException. For successful gets, it will return the value (or null in the case of a path not found, and only in this case). For exists, it will return true (or false for a path not found). To check for any error without throwing an exception, use DocumentFragment.status(String) (or its index-based variant). To check that a given path (or index) is valid for calling content() on it without raising an Exception, use DocumentFragment.exists(String). One special fatal error can also happen, when the value couldn't be decoded from JSON. In that case, the ResponseStatus for the path is ResponseStatus.FAILURE and the content(path) will throw a TranscodingException. This operation throws under the following notable error conditions: - The enclosing document does not exist: DocumentDoesNotExistException - The enclosing document is not JSON: DocumentNotJsonException - No lookup was defined through the builder API: IllegalArgumentException Other document-level error conditions are similar to those encountered during a document-level AsyncBucket.get(String).
        timeout - the specific timeout to apply for the operation.
        timeUnit - the time unit for the timeout.
        a single DocumentFragment representing the whole list of results (1 for each spec), unless a document-level error happened (in which case an exception is thrown).
      • get

        public LookupInBuilder get​(String... paths)
        Get a value inside the JSON document.
        paths - the paths inside the document where to get the value from.
        this builder for chaining.
      • exists

        public LookupInBuilder exists​(String... paths)
        Check if a value exists inside the document (if it does not, attempting to get the DocumentFragment.content(int) will raise an error). This doesn't transmit the value on the wire if it exists, saving the corresponding byte overhead.
        paths - the paths inside the document to check for existence.
        this builder for chaining.
      • exists

        public LookupInBuilder exists​(String path,
                                      SubdocOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        Check if a value exists inside the document (if it does not, attempting to get the DocumentFragment.content(int) will raise an error). This doesn't transmit the value on the wire if it exists, saving the corresponding byte overhead.
        path - the path inside the document to check for existence.
        optionsBuilder - SubdocOptionsBuilder
        this builder for chaining.
      • getCount

        public LookupInBuilder getCount​(String... paths)
        Get a count of values inside the JSON document. This method is only available with Couchbase Server 5.0 and later.
        paths - the paths inside the document where to get the count from.
        this builder for chaining.
      • getCount

        public LookupInBuilder getCount​(String path,
                                        SubdocOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        Get a count of values inside the JSON document. This method is only available with Couchbase Server 5.0 and later.
        path - the paths inside the document where to get the count from.
        optionsBuilder - SubdocOptionsBuilder
        this builder for chaining.
      • getCount

        public LookupInBuilder getCount​(Iterable<String> paths,
                                        SubdocOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        Get a count of values inside the JSON document. This method is only available with Couchbase Server 5.0 and later.
        paths - the paths inside the document where to get the count from.
        optionsBuilder - SubdocOptionsBuilder
        this builder for chaining.
      • includeRaw

        public LookupInBuilder includeRaw​(boolean includeRaw)
        Set to true, includes the raw byte value for each GET in the results, in addition to the deserialized content.
      • isIncludeRaw

        public boolean isIncludeRaw()
        true if this builder is configured to include raw byte values for each GET result.