Class RetryBuilder

  • @Committed
    public class RetryBuilder
    extends Object
    Builder for RetryWhenFunction. Start with any(), anyOf(Class[]) or allBut(Class[]) factory methods. By default, without calling additional methods it will retry on the specified exceptions, with a constant delay (see Retry.DEFAULT_DELAY), and only once. Note that if retriable errors keep occurring more than the maximum allowed number of attempts, the last error that triggered the extraneous attempt will be wrapped as the cause inside a CannotRetryException, which will be emitted via the observable's onError method.
    Simon Baslé
    • Method Detail

      • anyOf

        public static RetryBuilder anyOf​(Class<? extends Throwable>... types)
        Only errors that are instanceOf the specified types will trigger a retry
      • allBut

        public static RetryBuilder allBut​(Class<? extends Throwable>... types)
        Only errors that are NOT instanceOf the specified types will trigger a retry
      • any

        public static RetryBuilder any()
        Any error will trigger a retry
      • anyMatches

        public static RetryBuilder anyMatches​(rx.functions.Func1<Throwable,​Boolean> retryErrorPredicate)
        Any error that pass the predicate will trigger a retry
      • once

        public RetryBuilder once()
        Make only one retry attempt (default). If an error that can trigger a retry occurs twice in a row, it will be wrapped as the cause inside a CannotRetryException, which will be emitted via the observable's onError method.
      • max

        public RetryBuilder max​(int maxAttempts)
        Make at most maxAttempts retry attempts. Note that the maximum accepted value is Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1, the internal retry mechanism will ensure a total of maxAttempts + 1 total attempts, accounting for the original call. If an error that can trigger a retry occurs more that maxAttempts, it will be wrapped as the cause inside a CannotRetryException, which will be emitted via the observable's onError method.
      • doOnRetry

        public RetryBuilder doOnRetry​(rx.functions.Action4<Integer,​Throwable,​Long,​TimeUnit> doOnRetryAction)
        Execute some code each time a retry is scheduled (at the moment the retriable exception is caught, but before the retry delay is applied). Only quick executing code should be performed, do not block in this action. The action receives the retry attempt number (1-n), the exception that caused the retry, the delay duration and timeunit for the scheduled retry.
        doOnRetryAction - the side-effect action to perform whenever a retry is scheduled.
        See Also:
        if you want a shorter signature.