Class MutateInOptions

    • Method Detail

      • expiry

        public MutateInOptions expiry​(Duration expiry)
        Sets the expiry for the document. By default the document will never expire.

        The duration must be less than 50 years. For expiry further in the future, use expiry(Instant).

        expiry - the duration after which the document will expire (zero duration means never expire).
        this options class for chaining purposes.
      • expiry

        public MutateInOptions expiry​(Instant expiry)
        Sets the expiry for the document. By default the document will never expire.
        expiry - the point in time when the document will expire (epoch second zero means never expire).
        this options class for chaining purposes.
      • preserveExpiry

        public MutateInOptions preserveExpiry​(boolean preserveExpiry)
        Specifies whether an existing document's expiry should be preserved. Defaults to false.

        If true, and the document exists, its expiry will not be modified. Otherwise the document's expiry is determined by expiry(Duration) or expiry(Instant).

        Requires Couchbase Server 7.0 or later.

        preserveExpiry - true to preserve expiry, false to set new expiry
        this options class for chaining purposes.
      • cas

        public MutateInOptions cas​(long cas)
        Specifies a CAS value that will be taken into account on the server side for optimistic concurrency.

        The CAS value is an opaque identifier which is associated with a specific state of the document on the server. The CAS value is received on read operations (or after mutations) and can be used during a subsequent mutation to make sure that the document has not been modified in the meantime.

        If document on the server has been modified in the meantime the SDK will raise a CasMismatchException. In this case the caller is expected to re-do the whole "fetch-modify-update" cycle again. Please refer to the SDK documentation for more information on CAS mismatches and subsequent retries.

        cas - the opaque CAS identifier to use for this operation.
        the MutateInOptions for chaining purposes.
      • serializer

        public MutateInOptions serializer​(JsonSerializer serializer)
        Customizes the serializer that is used to encoded the contents of this request.
        serializer - the serializer used for encoding.
        this MutateInOptions for chaining purposes.
      • storeSemantics

        public MutateInOptions storeSemantics​(StoreSemantics storeSemantics)
        Changes the storing semantics of the outer/enclosing document.

        While each individual MutateInSpec describes the semantics of the respective sub-document section, the StoreSemantics are applied to the outer enclosing document as a whole. You can think of using the same verb for a StoreSemantic aligns with the corresponding full document. So for example a StoreSemantics.INSERT works semantically similar to a Collection.insert(String, Object) and will fail if the document as a whole already exists.

        storeSemantics - the store semantics to apply to the document.
        this MutateInOptions for chaining purposes.
      • accessDeleted

        public MutateInOptions accessDeleted​(boolean accessDeleted)
        For internal use only: allows access to deleted documents that are in 'tombstone' form.
      • createAsDeleted

        public MutateInOptions createAsDeleted​(boolean createAsDeleted)
        For internal use only: allows creating documents in 'tombstone' form.