Class CommonDurabilityOptions<SELF extends CommonDurabilityOptions<SELF>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonDurabilityOptions

        public CommonDurabilityOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • durability

        public SELF durability​(PersistTo persistTo,
                               ReplicateTo replicateTo)
        Allows to customize the poll-based durability requirements for this operation.

        Note: if a durability(DurabilityLevel) has been set beforehand it will be set back to DurabilityLevel.NONE, since it is not allowed to use both mechanisms at the same time.

        persistTo - the durability persistence requirement.
        replicateTo - the durability replication requirement.
        this options builder for chaining purposes.
      • durability

        public SELF durability​(DurabilityLevel durabilityLevel)
        Allows to customize the enhanced durability requirements for this operation.

        Note: if a durability(PersistTo, ReplicateTo) has been set beforehand it will be set back to PersistTo.NONE and ReplicateTo.NONE, since it is not allowed to use both mechanisms at the same time.

        durabilityLevel - the enhanced durability requirement.
        this options builder for chaining purposes.