



package scalatest

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncForAll extends AnyRef
  2. trait Equalz extends Matchers

    Provides the equalz Matcher.

    Provides the equalz Matcher.

    Some(42) should equalz (some(42))
    some(42) should equalz (Some(42))
    none[Int] shouldNot equalz (Some(1))

    Why not simply provide org.scalactic.Equality instances and use the existing equal matcher? As Scalatest doc mentions,

    > By default, an implicit Equality[T] instance is available for > any type T...

    In other words Equality instances are incoherent, and you get no notification from the compiler if implicit resolution failed to assemble the instance you meant. (NB: never design your own typeclasses this way in Scala.)

    Due to scala/bug#5075, you should enable -Ypartial-unification and use shouldx instead of should where required.

  3. trait FlatSpecCheckLaws extends Checkers

    Integration of Scalatest AnyFlatSpec with Scalaz law checkers, or any other purely Scalacheck-defined tests, for that matter.

    Integration of Scalatest AnyFlatSpec with Scalaz law checkers, or any other purely Scalacheck-defined tests, for that matter. Each invocation should go in a separate behavior of category, as test names will collide otherwise.


    behavior of "Blah Functor"
  4. trait FreeSpecCheckLaws extends Checkers

    Integration of Scalatest AnyFreeSpec with Scalaz law checkers, or any other purely Scalacheck-defined tests, for that matter.

    Integration of Scalatest AnyFreeSpec with Scalaz law checkers, or any other purely Scalacheck-defined tests, for that matter. Each invocation should go in a separate should category, as test names will collide otherwise.


    "Blah Functor" - {
  5. trait WordSpecCheckLaws extends Checkers

    Integration of Scalatest AnyWordSpec with Scalaz law checkers, or any other purely Scalacheck-defined tests, for that matter.

    Integration of Scalatest AnyWordSpec with Scalaz law checkers, or any other purely Scalacheck-defined tests, for that matter. Each invocation should go in a separate should category, as test names will collide otherwise.


    "Blah Functor" should {

Value Members

  1. object Equalz extends Equalz
