Interface GenericEntity<ID>

  • Type Parameters:
    ID - is the type of the primary key.
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    PersistenceEntity<ID>, RevisionedEntity<ID>, RevisionedPersistenceEntity<ID>
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractEto, AbstractGenericEto, RevisionedEto

    public interface GenericEntity<ID>
    extends Serializable
    This is the interface for an entity, which is an object that is potentially stored in a persistent store (typically a database via JPA). Every non-abstract implementation of this interface is simply called an entity. It is supposed to be a simple java bean.
    This interface makes the following assumptions: ATTENTION:
    An instance of this interface is typically one of the following: In order to distinguish the above cases an application has an architecture that organizes the code in technical layers (see multilayered architecture) and business oriented slices (business components). Therefore within the persistence layer instances should always be persistence entities. On the other hand the higher layers always need to use transfer-objects. Our recommendation is to map between these two in the logic-layer using the BeanMapper component from the devon4j-beanmapping module.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        ID getId()
        the primary key (unique identifier) of this entity. May be null if this entity is transient (not yet saved in the database). While this method is initially defined in a generic way, it is strongly recommended to use Long as datatype for IDs.
        Even if you want to have a String-based business-oriented identifier it is best practice to use a Long as primary key and add the business identifier as additional field (with a unique constraint). This way references to the entity will be a lot more compact and improve your performance in JOINs or the like. However, there may be reasons to use other datatypes for the ID. In any case the unique ID should be an immutable java-object that can be rebuild from its string-representation.
        Please note that if your ID has a specific syntax, semantic, formatting rules, etc. you should create a custom datatype for it. If it can easily be mapped to a Long value you can still use Long here and provide a transient getter method that returns the your custom datatype from the Long.
        See Also:
      • setId

        void setId​(ID id)
        id - the new primary key. This method shall typically only be used by technical frameworks such as hibernate.
      • getModificationCounter

        int getModificationCounter()
        This method gets the current modification-counter of this entity. Whenever the object gets modified and persisted, this counter will be increased (typically after the transaction is closed). The initial value after construction is 0.
        This property is often simply called version. However, as this sometimes causes confusion or may conflict with a business property "version", we use the more technical and self-explanatory name modificationCounter.
        If this feature is NOT supported for some reason, this method should always return 0.
        the current modification-counter.
        See Also:
        Version, Version
      • setModificationCounter

        void setModificationCounter​(int modificationCounter)
        modificationCounter - the new modification counter. This method shall typically only be used by technical frameworks such as hibernate.