Class LayoutsRowLayout

    • Method Detail

      • marginTopBottom

        public LayoutsRowLayout marginTopBottom​(int top,
                                                int bottom)
        Sets marginHeight to 0, and top / bottom to the given values.
      • marginLeftRight

        public LayoutsRowLayout marginLeftRight​(int left,
                                                int right)
        Sets marginWidth to 0, and left / right to the given values.
      • horizontal

        public LayoutsRowLayout horizontal()
        Makes this a horizontal layout.
      • wrap

        public LayoutsRowLayout wrap​(boolean wrap)
        wrap specifies whether a control will be wrapped to the next row if there is insufficient space on the current row.

        The default value is true.

      • pack

        public LayoutsRowLayout pack​(boolean pack)
        pack specifies whether all controls in the layout take their preferred size. If pack is false, all controls will have the same size which is the size required to accommodate the largest preferred height and the largest preferred width of all the controls in the layout.

        The default value is true.

      • fill

        public LayoutsRowLayout fill​(boolean fill)
        fill specifies whether the controls in a row should be all the same height for horizontal layouts, or the same width for vertical layouts.

        The default value is false.

      • center

        public LayoutsRowLayout center​(boolean center)
        center specifies whether the controls in a row should be centered vertically in each cell for horizontal layouts, or centered horizontally in each cell for vertical layouts.

        The default value is false.

      • justify

        public LayoutsRowLayout justify​(boolean justify)
        justify specifies whether the controls in a row should be fully justified, with any extra space placed between the controls.

        The default value is false.