Class EclipseApp.AntRunner

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class EclipseApp.AntRunner
    extends EclipseApp
    Models the `org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner` application, including its `build.xml`. [Ant task documentation](
    • Constructor Detail

      • AntRunner

        public AntRunner()
    • Method Detail

      • setTask

        public void setTask​(groovy.util.Node taskNode)
        Sets the XML task node which will be called by this ant task.
      • define

        public void define​(String key,
                           String value)
        Defines a property for the ant task.
      • defineToFile

        public void defineToFile​(String key,
                                 File value)
        Defines a property to a file for the ant task.
      • buildXml

        protected String buildXml()
        Returns the underlying buildXml.
      • completeState

        public String completeState()
        Includes the full state of both the args and the build.xml.
        completeState in class EclipseApp