Class ConventionJdt

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConventionJdt
    extends OomphConvention
    Adding the JDT convention to your project adds the following features: - `org.eclipse.platform.ide` - `org.eclipse.jdt` - `org.eclipse.ui.views.log` You can set the installed JRE as follows: ```gradle oomphIde { jdt { installedJre { version = '1.6.0_45' installedLocation = new File('C:/jdk1.6.0_45') markDefault = true // or false executionEnvironments = ['JavaSE-1.6'] // any execution environments can be specified here. } compilerComplianceLevel('1.6') classpathVariable('myClasspath', '/var/lib/repo') } } ```
    • Method Detail

      • installedJre

        public void installedJre​(Action<InstalledJre> action)
        Adds an installed JRE with the given content.
      • compilerComplianceLevel

        public void compilerComplianceLevel​(String compilerComplianceLevel)
        Sets default compliance level
      • classpathVariable

        public void classpathVariable​(String name,
                                      String value)
        Adds a compiler class path variable.
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from class: OomphConvention
        This is called when the convention block ends. Usually it can just be empty, but if you've been accumulating values, this is your chance to smush them down into a setup action (see ConventionJdt.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        close in class OomphConvention