Class OomphIdeExtension

    • Method Detail

      • silenceEquoIDE

        public void silenceEquoIDE()
      • getProject

        public Project getProject()
        Returns the underlying project.
      • getP2

        public P2Model getP2()
        Returns the P2 model so that users can add the features they'd like.
        Specified by:
        getP2 in interface P2Declarative
      • p2director

        public void p2director​(Action<P2Model.DirectorApp> directorModifier)
        Allows for fine-grained manipulation of the mirroring operation.
      • icon

        public void icon​(Object icon)
        Sets the icon image - any size and format is okay, but something square is recommended.
      • splash

        public void splash​(Object splash)
        Sets the splash screen image - any size and format is okay.
      • name

        public void name​(String name)
        Sets the name of the generated IDE. Defaults to the name of the root project.
      • description

        public void description​(String description)
        Sets the description of the generated IDE. Defaults to name.
      • perspective

        public void perspective​(String perspective)
        Sets the starting perspective (window layout), see Perspectives for common perspectives.
      • eclipseIni

        public void eclipseIni​(Action<EclipseIni> eclipseIni)
        Sets properties in the `eclipse.ini`.
      • ideDir

        public void ideDir​(Object ideDir)
        Sets the folder where the ide will be built.
      • addAllProjects

        public void addAllProjects()
        Adds all eclipse projects from all gradle projects.
      • addAllProjects

        public void addAllProjects​(Spec<String> include)
        Adds all eclipse projects from all gradle projects whose paths meet the given spec.
      • findProjectsInIncludedBuilds

        public void findProjectsInIncludedBuilds()
        Finds projects in the included builds. You have to run `gradlew eclipse` before running `gradle ide` for this to work, because it relies on pre-existing `.project` files to determine the paths to subprojects. Supports root projects and subprojects, but not subsubprojects.
      • addIncludedProject

        public void addIncludedProject​(String includedBuild,
                                       String projectPath)
        Adds an eclipse project from the given included build.
      • addProject

        public void addProject​(String projectPath)
        Adds the eclipse project from the given project path.
      • addProjectFolder

        public void addProjectFolder​(Object folderObj)
        Adds the given folder as an eclipse project.
      • addBuildSrc

        public void addBuildSrc()
        Adds the buildSrc folder as an eclipse project. It's recommended that you add this snippet to your buildSrc, to ensure that your eclipse project stays up-to-date. ```gradle apply plugin: 'eclipse' build.dependsOn(tasks.getByName('eclipse')) ```
      • workspaceFile

        public void workspaceFile​(String destination,
                                  Object fileSrc)
        Sets the given path within the workspace directory to be a copy of the file located at fileSrc.
      • addSetupAction

        public void addSetupAction​(SetupAction internalSetupAction)
        Adds an action which will be run inside our running application.
      • addSetupActionLazy

        public void addSetupActionLazy​(Action<List<SetupAction>> lazyInternalSetupAction)
        Eventually adds some actions which will be run inside our running application.
      • linkedResource

        public void linkedResource​(String linkName,
                                   Object linkTarget)
        Links the given target into the workspace with the given name, see [eclipse manual](
      • runP2UsingPDE

        public void runP2UsingPDE​(String version)
        Provisions using the given version of the full Eclipse PDE.
      • runP2UsingPDE

        public void runP2UsingPDE()
        Provisions using the latest available version of the full Eclipse PDE.
      • style

        public void style​(Action<ConventionStyle> action)
        Convenience methods for setting the style, @see ConventionStyle.
      • jdt

        public void jdt​(Action<ConventionJdt> action)
        Adds the java development tools, @see ConventionJdt.
      • pde

        public void pde​(Action<ConventionPde> action)
        Adds the plugin-development environment, @see ConventionPde.