Class PdeAntBuildTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<Task>, org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware, org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal, ExtensionAware, Task, org.gradle.util.Configurable<Task>

    public class PdeAntBuildTask
    extends DefaultTask
    Runs PDE build on an ant file. Your project must have defined `GOOMPH_PDE_VER`, see PdeInstallation.fromProject(org.gradle.api.Project) for details. ```groovy task featureBuild(type: PdeAntBuildTask) { antFile(FEATURE + '.xml') define('featuredir', FEATURE) inputs.dir(FEATURE) defineToFile('repodir', buildDir) outputs.dir(buildDir) } ```
    • Constructor Detail

      • PdeAntBuildTask

        public PdeAntBuildTask()
    • Method Detail

      • antFile

        public void antFile​(Object antFile)
        The directory from which plugins will be pulled, besides the delta pack.
      • define

        public void define​(String key,
                           String value)
        Adds a property to the build properties file.
      • defineToFile

        public void defineToFile​(String key,
                                 Object value)
        Adds a property to the build properties file.