Class PdeInstallation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PdeInstallation
    extends Object
    implements EclipseRunner
    Wraps a PDE installation for the given eclipse release.
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • fromProject

        public static PdeInstallation fromProject​(Project project)
        Returns a PdeInstallation based on `GOOMPH_PDE_VER`, and other factors. You must specify which version of Eclipse should be used by Goomph. - Option #1: To use an officially supported release, use this: + `GOOMPH_PDE_VER`=4.5.2 (or any official release) - Option #2: To use any release (e.g. milestone, nightly, etc) + `GOOMPH_PDE_VER`=any version + `GOOMPH_PDE_UPDATE_SITE`=url to update site + `GOOMPH_PDE_ID`=the ID used for caching, cannot be a version listed in Option #1) You must do one or the other, specify only `VER` for Option #1, or specify `VER`, `UPDATE_SITE`, and `ID` for Option #2.
      • from

        public static PdeInstallation from​(EclipseRelease release)
        Returns an EclipseRunner for running PDE build against the given release.
      • productBuildCmd

        public EclipseApp productBuildCmd​(File buildDir)
                                   throws Exception
        Returns a command which will execute the PDE builder for a product.