Class NativeDepsPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NativeDepsPlugin
    extends ProjectPlugin
    This was helpful before SWT jars were available on maven central, but now MavenCentralPlugin is a better option. Adds the platform-specific SWT and jface jars which are appropriate for the currently running platform (on the dev machine). Adds the following jars: * `org.eclipse.swt` * `org.eclipse.jface` * `org.eclipse.core.commands` * `org.eclipse.equinox.common` ```groovy apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.swt.nativedeps' ``` * Property `SWT_VERSION` sets the eclipse version from which to get SWT (e.g. `4.6.0`). * Property `SWT_P2_REPO` sets the p2 repository which is being used (ignores the SWT_VERSION property). * Property `SWT_P2_GROUP` sets the maven group name for the downloaded artifacts, (defaults to `eclipse-swt-deps`). ### Example projects * [durian-swt]( * (send us yours in a [PR](!)
    • Constructor Detail

      • NativeDepsPlugin

        public NativeDepsPlugin()
    • Method Detail

      • applyOnce

        protected void applyOnce​(Project project)
        Description copied from class: ProjectPlugin
        Plugin application, which is guaranteed to execute only once.
        Specified by:
        applyOnce in class ProjectPlugin