Class GitRatchet<Project>

    • Constructor Detail

      • GitRatchet

        public GitRatchet()
    • Method Detail

      • isClean

        public boolean isClean​(Project project,
                               org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId treeSha,
                               String relativePathUnix)
                        throws IOException
        This is the highest-level method, which all the others serve. Given the sha of a git tree (not a commit!), and the file in question, this method returns true if that file is clean relative to that tree. A naive implementation of this could be verrrry slow, so the rest of this is about speeding this up.
      • repositoryFor

        protected org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository repositoryFor​(Project project)
                                                         throws IOException
        The first part of making this fast is finding the appropriate git repository quickly. Because of composite builds and submodules, it's quite possible that a single Gradle project will span across multiple git repositories. We cache the Repository for every Project in gitRoots, and use dynamic programming to populate it.
      • getDir

        protected abstract File getDir​(Project project)
      • rootTreeShaOf

        public org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId rootTreeShaOf​(Project project,
                                                           String reference)
        Fast way to return treeSha of the given ref against the git repository which stores the given project. Because of parallel project evaluation, there may be races here, so we synchronize on ourselves. However, this method is the only method which can trigger any changes, and it is only called during project evaluation. That means our state is final/read-only during task execution, so we don't need any locks during the heavy lifting.
      • subtreeShaOf

        public org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId subtreeShaOf​(Project project,
                                                          org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId rootTreeSha)
        Returns the sha of the git subtree which represents the root of the given project, or ObjectId.zeroId() if there is no git subtree at the project root.