Class NavigationFilters

    • Field Detail

      • emptyNavigationFilters

        public static final NavigationFilters emptyNavigationFilters
    • Constructor Detail

      • NavigationFilters

        public NavigationFilters​(@NotNull
                                 @NotNull Map<String,​Object> stormConf,
                                 @NotNull String configFile)
                          throws IOException
        loads the filters from a JSON configuration file
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        public ProtocolResponse filter​(@NotNull
                                       @NotNull org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver driver,
                                       @NotNull Metadata metadata)
        Description copied from class: NavigationFilter
        The end result comes from the first filter to return non-null *
        Specified by:
        filter in class NavigationFilter
      • fromConf

        public static NavigationFilters fromConf​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull Map<String,​Object> stormConf)
        Loads and configure the NavigationFilters based on the storm config if there is one otherwise returns an emptyNavigationFilters.
      • configure

        public void configure​(@NotNull
                              @NotNull Map<String,​Object> stormConf,
                              @NotNull com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode filtersConf)
        Description copied from interface: Configurable
        Called when this filter is being initialized
        stormConf - The Storm configuration used for the configurable
        filtersConf - the filter specific configuration. Never null